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  • Add prevention to continuously spam login API (eg fail after 3 attempts, then block them from attempting for 5 minutes)


  • I would like to use Dialog (or similar component) from react-aria for the sidebar nav, however the API requires the dialog and button to live in the same component which is not possible with the current design. So, for now, I am using headless-ui
  • We can use sonner for a toast library


  • I am currently using vitest while waiting for bun:test to have enough parity with jest
  • I have had to set "module": "ESNext" in tsconfig.json to get cypress to work
  • I had to add resize-observer-polyfill to get Transition & Dialog from headlessui to work in react testing library


  • vitest does can not find any test when running in lint-staged so I have skipped it
  • typecheck does not work properly in lint-staged so I have skipped it
  • prettier conflicts with some eslint rules so I have skipped it in lint-staged

//set up github 1password integration