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CLI client for Vikunja

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This is a simple CLI for Vikunja > The todo app to organize your life.

It provides a command line interface for adding, viewing and editing todo tasks on a Vikunja Server. The goal is to support a command line based task workflow ~ similar to taskwarrior.

Breaking changes in vja 3.0

vja 3.0 supports (and requires) the most recent Vikunja API 0.22.0. Use vja up to version 2.4.1 for compatibility with Vikunja API 0.21.0.


vja --help
vja ls

(You will be prompted for your account on first usage and any time the access token expires, see

More user documentation is available on


  • Install from pypi:
    python -m pip install --user vja
    vja --help
  • Upgrade existing version:
    python -m pip install --user vja --upgrade


Before using vja you must provide a configuration.

  • Create a configuration file $HOME/.vjacli/vja.rc with ~ the following contents
    (If you cloned from git, you may copy the folder .vjacli to your $HOME directory instead.)
  • Adjust to your needs. frontend_url and api_url must point to your own Vikunja server. Especially, the api_url must be reachable from your client. This can be verified, for example, by curl

You may change the location of the configuration directory with an environment variable like VJA_CONFIGDIR=/not/my/home

Description of configuration

Required options

Section Option Description
[application] api_url The service instance of Vikunja to which vja should connect
[application] frontend_url Required to open Vikunja in Browser

Optional options

Section Option Description
[output] arbitrary_name Python format strings which may be referenced on the command line by --custom-format=<option_name>. May contain any valid python f-Format string.
Take care: The format string may provide code which will be executed at runtime! Do not use --custom-format if you are unsure.
Default: missing
[output] another_format Multiple formats can be defined for reference. (see above)
[urgency_coefficients] due_date_weight Weight of dueness in urgency score. Default: 1.0
[urgency_coefficients] priority_weight Weight of priority in urgency score. Default: 1.0
[urgency_coefficients] favorite_weight Weight of is_favorite in urgency score. Default: 1.0
[urgency_coefficients] project_weight Weight of keyword occurrence in project title in urgency score. Default: 1.0
[urgency_coefficients] label_weight Weight of keyword occurrence in label title in urgency score. Default: 1.0
[urgency_keywords] lisproject_keywords Tasks in projects with a title containing these keywords are considered more urgent. Default: None
[urgency_keywords] label_keywords Tasks labeled with one of these keywords are considered more urgent. Default: None


Prepare python virtual environment

Python >= 3.8 is recommended. First create a local environment:

python -m venv ./venv
source venv/bin/activate

(That may be source venv/Scripts/activate on some windows machines.)

Local build

Local development install

python -m pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
python -m pip install -e .

Run integration test

Start docker container for vikunja/api:latest and execute pytest against that server instance.

docker compose -f tests/docker-compose.yml up -d
VJA_CONFIGDIR=tests/.vjatest pytest
docker compose -f tests/docker-compose.yml down