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A universal web client for online discussion services like "forums" or "imageboards".

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A universal web client for online discussion services like "forums" or "imageboards".

Imageboard support is provided by imageboard library.

Supported imageboard engines:

  • 4chan β€”'s proprietary engine.

    1. β€” demo
  • vichan β€” An open-source 4chan-compatible engine running on PHP/MySQL whose development started in 2012. The codebase has seen various maintainers take over and then leave off over the years, but as of late 2023, it seems like it's still being maintained and receiving new features.

    1. β€” demo
  • OpenIB (formerly infinity) β€” A 2013 fork of vichan engine with the goal of supporting an "infinite" amount of user-managed boards as opposed to a finite set of predefined boards. No longer maintained since 2018.

    1. (formerly β€” demo
    2. β€” demo
  • lynxchan β€” An alternative engine Node.js/MongoDB whose development started in 2015. Rather than mimicking any existing engine, it set off on its own path and ended up becoming a popular choice (of its time) provided that there's really not much else to choose from. Some choices made by the author are questionable and the overall approach doesn't look professional to me. For example, the engine has a bunch of quite obvious but easily-fixable issues that the author refuses to recognize and has no interest in fixing. The author's demeanor, in general, is somewhat controversial and not to everyone's liking.

    1. β€” demo
    2. β€” demo
    3. β€” demo
    4. bandada β€” demo
  • jschan β€” An alternative engine written in Node.js/MongoDB whose development started in 2019. Isn't really adopted by anyone, perhaps because there haven't been any new imageboards since its development has started. Compared to lynxchan, purely from a technical perspective, it looks much more professional and mature, and the author is a well-known developer.

    1. β€” demo
    2. β€” demo
  • makaba β€”'s proprietary engine.

    1. β€” demo

Don't mind the seemingly slower speed of the demos: the only reason for that is the app can't use imageboard APIs directly (they don't allow it) and needs to send all HTTP requests through a free public "CORS Proxy" which introduces a delay.


On March 9th, 2020, GitHub, Inc. silently banned my account (erasing all my repos, issues and comments) without any notice or explanation. Because of that, all source codes had to be promptly moved to GitLab. The GitHub repo is now only used as a backup (you can star the repo there too), and the primary repo is now the GitLab one. Issues can be reported in any repo.


The application is distributed in the form of "releases" ("builds"). The "builds" can be found on GitLab Releases page, but those're most likely stale, so I'd recommend creating your own "build" from the sources as described at the bottom of this section.

A "build" contains an index.html file and a bunch of .js/.css/.map/image files with random generated names (and also about a 100 of code syntax highlighter language plugins that are only loaded on demand at runtime when highlighting a given language in "code" blocks).

Inside a "build", find and edit the index.html file in order to specify custom configuration options such as:

  • URL path at which the contents of the "build" are hosted (the default is "hosted at the root of the domain").
  • The default "data source" id (like "4chan").
  • YouTube API key for loading YouTube video links.

Those custom configuration options should be specified at the top of the index.html file in the global CONFIG variable:

      // Set your config parameters here.
      var CONFIG = {
        "path": "/my-custom-file-hosting-path",
        "dataSource": "my-custom-default-data-source-id",
        "youtubeApiKey": "my-custom-youtube-api-key",
        "googleAnalyticsId": "my-custom-google-analytics-id"

After saving the changes to the index.html file, the contents of the "build" folder should be "statically" hosted somewhere, be it on a server using "static" file hosting software (like NginX), or somewhere in a "cloud" (like Amazon S3 + CloudFront).

When hosting the contents of a "build", make sure that all "404 Not Found" requests are redirected to that index.html file. For example, on AWS S3, that could be done by specifying index.html as the name of the "error document". Another example would be GitHub Pages where index.html file should be copied into a new file called 404.html.

To create a most-recent "build" from the latest source codes, one should perform a manual build process documented in the Build section.


The application provides several configuration options like YouTube API key, Google Analytics id, etc.

The default configuration can be found in ./configuration/default.json file. Any custom configuration is applied on top of it. Custom configuration can be specified at the top of the index.html file in the global CONFIG variable.

Configuration options
  // By default, the application assumes that it's hosted at the root of the domain.
  // If it's not the case, i.e. if it's hosted at a "subpath", then specify that "subpath" here.
  // For example, if the application is hosted at ""
  // then the "path" configuration parameter should be set to "/application".
  "path": "/anychan",

  // The `dataSource` parameter describes the data source being used.
  // If the data source is a "supported-out-of-the-box" one,
  // then the "dataSource" parameter can be set to such data source name:
  // * "4chan"
  // * "8ch"
  // * "2ch"
  // * "kohlchan"
  // * "lainchan"
  // * etc
  // Specifying the "dataSource" parameter in such cases can be omitted
  // if this application runs on the data source's main domain (e.g. "")
  // because the application is smart enough to detect that type of situation
  // and will automatically determine the correct data source name.
  // In other cases β€”Β when running the application on other domains β€”
  // specifying a data source is required, unless you'd prefer the application
  // to run in a "multi-datasource" mode in which case it will require
  // a data source name as a URL path prefix. For example, "".
  // When a data source is not a "supported-out-of-the-box" one,
  // the "dataSource" configuration parameter value should be an object
  // describing various parameters of the data source:
  // * `logo`
  // * `title`
  // * `api`
  // * etc
  // See "Adding a new data source" section of the docs for more info on
  // the available configuration parameters for a custom data source.
  "dataSource": "4chan",

  // Data source icon.
  // Overwrites `dataSource.icon`.
  // Should be of `192px` width and `192px` height.
  "icon": "",

  // Data source logo (a larger version of an icon).
  // Overwrites `dataSource.logo`.
  "logo": "",

  // Data source title.
  // Overwrites `dataSource.title`.
  "title": "4chan",

  // Data source "subtitle" (the text under the title on the home page).
  // Overwrites `dataSource.subtitle`.
  "subtitle": "Since 2003",

  // Home page content.
  // Overwrites `dataSource.description`.
  "description": [
      type: "attachment",
      // An attachment could be a picture, a video (including YouTube), an audio, etc.
      attachment: {
        type: "picture",
        picture: {
          type: "image/jpeg",
          width: 600,
          height: 438,
          url: ""
    "4chan is a simple image-based bulletin board where anyone can post comments and share images"

  // Any arbitrary javascript that will be inserted on every page.
  // Can be used to modify the page in an arbitrary way:
  // * Insert new `<script/>` elements
  // * Insert new `<style/>` elements
  // * Insert new `<link rel="stylesheet"/>` elements
  // * ...
  "javascript": "alert('test')",

  // Any arbitrary HTML that will be inserted in the `<body/>` on every page.
  "bodyHtml": "<iframe .../>",

  // Header banner HTML markup.
  // Can be used to show ads in the header.
  "headerMarkupHtml": "<iframe .../>",

  // Instead of specifying `headerMarkupHtml`,
  // one may prefer specify `headerMarkupContent`.
  // The difference would be that `headerMarkupHtml` should be an HTML string
  // whereas `headerMarkupContent` should be a valid `Content` as defined in `social-components` package readme.
  // If `headerMarkupHtml` is defined, `headerMarkupContent` is ignored.
  "headerMarkupContent": Content,

  // Footer banner HTML markup.
  // Can be used to show ads in the footer.
  "footerMarkupHtml": "<iframe .../>",

  // Instead of specifying `footerMarkupHtml`,
  // one may prefer specify `footerMarkupContent`.
  // The difference would be that `footerMarkupHtml` should be an HTML string
  // whereas `footerMarkupContent` should be a valid `Content` as defined in `social-components` package readme.
  // If `footerMarkupHtml` is defined, `footerMarkupContent` is ignored.
  "footerMarkupContent": Content,

  // Footer notes content.
  // Overwrites `dataSource.footnotes`.
  "footnotes": "Copyright Β© 2003-2020 4chan community support LLC. All rights reserved",

  // CORS proxy URL (see the "Proxy" section of the docs).
  // A CORS proxy is required unless this application is running on the
  // data source's main domain (e.g. "").
  // That's a stupid limitation of all web browsers.
  // A CORS proxy URL string should contain a target URL parameter.
  // The target URL parameter could be present in that string in one of the two variants:
  // * `{url}` β€” the target URL.
  // * `{urlEncoded}` β€” the target URL encoded using `encodeURIComponent()`.
  // Examples:
  // * "{url}"
  // * "{urlEncoded}"
  "proxyUrl": "{urlEncoded}",

  // Google Analytics can be used for tracking page views.
  // Though most users block it in their web browsers.
  "googleAnalyticsId": "UA-123456789-0",

  // YouTube Data API V3 is used for parsing YouTube links
  // into embedded video attachments having a title and a thumbnail.
  // "youtubeApiKey" can be single key or an array of keys, in which case
  // a key will be randomly selected from the list on every API request.
  // YouTube has a limit of `1 000 000` API requests per day for a key.
  "youtubeApiKey": "AbCdEfGhIjKlMnOpQrStUvWxYz1234567890",

  // Sometimes the administration needs to announce something
  // to the users. Things like latest news, contests, etc.
  // See the "Announcements" section below.
  // The URL must be a "same-origin" one (a "relative" URL, not an "absolute" one).
  "announcementUrl": "/announcement.json",

  // Announcement polling interval (in milliseconds).
  // By default it checks for new announcements every day:
  // 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 = 86400000
  "announcementPollInterval": 86400000,

  // `` can be set up to report client-side errors.
  "sentryUrl": "",

  // Whether to show GDPR Cookie Notice.
  // Is `false` by default.
  "showCookieNotice": true,

  // If `cookiePolicyUrl` is set, then a "Learn More" link
  // will be shown in the GDPR Cookie Notice.
  // This is gonna be the URL of the link.
  "cookiePolicyUrl": "",

  // (on thread pages) The maximum length of a thread comment (in "points")
  // until a preview is generated for it and a "Read more" button is shown.
  // Is `1000` "points" by default.
  "commentLengthLimit": 1000,

  // (on board pages) The maximum length of a thread comment (in "points")
  // until a preview is generated for it and a "Read more" button is shown.
  // Is `500` "points" by default.
  "commentLengthLimitForThreadPreview": 500,

  // (on board pages when using tile layout)
  // The maximum length of a thread comment (in "points")
  // until a preview is generated for it and a "Read more" button is shown.
  // Is `200` "points" by default.
  "commentLengthLimitForThreadPreviewForTileLayout": 200,

  // How often should the application "poll" the data source for new data.
  // Contrary to "push" updates, "polling" is a technique for continuously
  // re-fetching the data from the data source to see if there're any updates.
  // Older engines, like classic imageboards, don't support "push" updates
  // via WebSockets, so the only way to get updates is by manually "polling"
  // for new data in a loop. The higher the "polling" rate, the more load
  // the server gets.
  // Possible values:
  // * "slow" (default)
  // * "normal"
  "dataPollingRate": "slow",

  // The fetched list of channels is cached in order to reduce
  // the load on the server.
  // By default, it caches the list of channels for one day.
  "channelsCacheTimeout": 86400000,

  // Additional backgrounds (Dark mode).
  "backgroundsDarkMode": [{
    id: 'purple',
    name: 'Purple',
    backgroundColor: 'hsl(259, 45%, 11%)',
    gradientColor1: 'hsl(19deg 27% 17%)',
    gradientColor2: 'hsl(284deg 46% 21%)',
    gradientAngle: 90,
    patternOpacity: 0.15,
    // If these two properties aren't defined, the default pattern picture is used.
    patternUrl: '/',
    patternSize: '10em'

  // Default background `id` (Dark mode).
  "defaultBackgroundDarkMode": "purple",

  // Additional backgrounds (Light mode).
  "backgroundsLightMode": [{
    id: "orange-purple",
    name: "Orange Purple",
    gradientColor1: "hsl(34deg 53% 66%)",
    gradientColor2: "hsl(0deg 46% 70%)",
    // If these two properties aren't defined, the default pattern picture is used.
    patternUrl: "url('/path/to/image.svg')",
    patternSize: "10em"

  // Default background `id` (Light mode).
  "defaultBackgroundLightMode": "orange-purple",

  // Additional themes.
  "themes": [{
    "id": "yellow-sea",
    "name": "Yellow Sea",
    "url": "https://yellow.sea/style.css"

  // Default theme `id`.
  "defaultTheme": "yellow-sea",

  // When the user goes to "Settings" page, they can modify the application's settings.
  // By default, there're already some settings pre-selected.
  // Those settings are called "default application settings".
  // To customize those "default application settings" for all users,
  // one can supply this `defaultSettings` configuration parameter:
  // any properies from it will override the ones defined in the "default application settings".
  "defaultSettings": {
    "censorWords": false

  // Custom "default censored words".
  // Any "default censored words" defined for the languages here
  // override the default "default censored words" for those languages.
  "defaultCensoredWords": {
    "en": [

Sometimes, the administration needs to announce something to the users: things like latest news, contests, etc. For that, "announcement" feature can be used. Among the application files there's announcement.json file. By default, it's an empty JSON object ({}), meaning that no announcement is shown. To make an announcement, edit announcement.json file to add a date marker and an announcement content.

The default URL for the announcement file is /announcement.json (is configurable via announcementUrl configuration parameter), and it's queried every hour (is configurable via announcementPollInterval configuration parameter).

When there's an announcement, a user is presented with an announcement bar on top of the page. When the user clicks a close (x) button, the announcement is no longer shown for this user until there's a new announcement with a different date.


  // Announcement date, in UTC+0 time zone, in "ISO" format:
  // "<year>-<month>-<day>T<hours>:<minutes>:<seconds>.<milliseconds>Z".
  "date": "2012-12-21T00:00:00.000Z",

  // Announcement content.
  "content": [[
    "4chan is now owned and led by ",
      "type": "link",
      "url": "",
      "content": "Hiroyuki Nishimura"
    ", the founder of the largest anonymous BBS in Japan, 2channel. Read the full announcement on the ",

      "type": "link",
      "url": "",
      "content": "4chan News page"

To customize translated labels, one could use the global LABELS variable.

<script> = "Π’Π΅ΠΌΠ°"

To add custom themes to the list of built-in themes, supply themes configuration parameter:

  themes: [
      // An "ID" (for reference).
      id: "yellow-sea",
      // A human-readable name.
      name: "Yellow Sea",
      // Either a URL of a `*.css` file:
      url: "https://yellow.sea/style.css",
      // or CSS itself:
      css: ".light { --Clickable-color: yellow } .dark { --Clickable-color: blue }"

To set a theme as the default one, set defaultTheme configuration parameter to the id of the theme:

  defaultTheme: "yellow-sea"

To translate a theme's name in different languages, add the entries in LABELS:

  LABELS.en.settings.theme.themes["yellow-sea"] = "Yellow Sea"["yellow-sea"] = "Π–Ρ‘Π»Ρ‚ΠΎΠ΅ ΠœΠΎΡ€Π΅"


The app comes pre-packaged with a couple of built-in themes and allows creating custom themes. Each theme has "Light" mode and "Dark" mode.


None of the imageboards (,,, etc) allow calling their API from other websites: they're all configured to block Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), so a CORS proxy is required in order for a third party website to be able to query their API.

Read more

In ./configuration/default.json there's a proxyUrl setting β€” this is the URL of the CORS-proxy that will be used for querying the API.

Known issues

Server-Side Rendering

This application uses React, and can be rendered both on client side and server side. But, React is rumoured to be rather slow when it comes to server-side rendering, compared to the "classic" way of generating web pages from simple templates (like PHP). I didn't benchmark server-side rendering of this app, but I'd assume that, for a high-load website, it would make a difference to use a more performant solution (cost-wise). Maybe it could be some kind of a separate "static" "archive" version that would be very minimalistic, and would be easily indexed by search engines. Both Google and Bing still can index client-side websites that use javascript for the initial loading, but a separate "static" website would most likely get better "score".

More details

This application is built using react-pages library which does support server-side rendering.

Why even implement server-side rendering? One reason would be for the website to be indexable by search engines in order to be discoverable on the internet.

However, I wouldn't consider server-side rendering suitable for this specific application:

  • When I originally started this project in August 2018, React used to be not so performant when it comes to server-side rendering. Writing this section now in October 2023, I didn't bother checking if that situation has changed. So I'll just assume that React, although reasonably fast, it still not the most performant solution when it comes to outputting raw HTML when compared to more simplistic template-based rendering engines that don't even bother executing any javascript. So, for example, an imageboard could employ dual-website strategy: one website could be statically generated and would drive the traffic to the website from search engines, and another website would be this interactive React "Single-Page Application" that doesn't bother with server-side rendering and provides User Experience.

  • This application uses virtual-scroller to only render the currently-visible portion of large lists of comments or threads when run in a web browser. On server side, it would have to render the full lists of those comments. Suppose that's not an issue by itself to the server. But after rendering those large lists of comments on the server, they'd have to be re-"hydrated" on the client in order to make al that raw HTML snapshot interactive and running. And while doing re-"hydration" on the client, it would have to render the page 1:1 of how it was rendered on the server, meaning that on the client it would have to also render those large lists of comments. And I've tested how rendering large lists of comments performed at the initial stages of developing this application in 2019, and the performance wasn't acceptable: somewhere in the magnitude of 1 second for a list of about a 1000 comments, which is nowhere near being considered "swift".

Virtualized Lists

The lists of threads/comments are implemented via a "Virtual Scroller" which results in great performance boost but at the same time doesn't support some native in-browser features such as "Find on page" or "Tab" key navigation or "screen readers".


For known imageboard issues, see known issues of the imageboard library.


First, install Node.js >= 16.

Then perform the initial setup:

# Install "frontend-lib"
git clone
cd frontend-lib
yarn link
cd ..

# Install "social-components-react"
git clone
cd social-components-react
yarn link
cd ..

# Install "anychan"
git clone
cd anychan
yarn link frontend-lib
yarn link social-components-react

After the initial setup has been completed, the application could be run via:

yarn run dev

Because this project uses TypeScript, the initial start-up time is long.

Wait for it to load and go to http://localhost:1234/4chan

To specify custom configuration options (like YouTube API key), one could create a file called configuration/custom.json. The contents of that file would be applied on top of the default configuration when running yarn run dev or yarn run build.

Also, check if the proxy server that is configured by default still works.

Also, when pulling any changes to package.json or yarn.lock, don't forget to re-run the yarn command to install new packages.


To create a build from the sources, follow the instructions in the Development section above, but, at the last step, instead of running yarn run dev, run yarn run build.

The contents of the "build" will be output to the build directory:

  • index.html β€” The main HTML file. Configuration could be edited there.
  • announcement.json β€” Allows showing an announcement banner. See configuration docs for more info on the contents of that file.
  • readme.txt β€” A short description.
  • assets folder β€” Contains a bunch of .js/.css/.map/image files with random generated names (and also about a 100 of code syntax highlighter language plugins that are only loaded on demand at runtime when highlighting a given language in "code" blocks).

To create a *.zip archive of a build, run yarn run build:pack command.


There're some tests written for "utility" functions.

npm test

Data Source Configuration

(advanced topic)

anychan supports any data source. It could be an online forum, an imageboard, something like, etc. There're currently several imageboards that're supported "out of the box".

To add a new data source, create an index.json file with the data source's configuration, along with some supplementary files like a 192x192 icon.png and a logo.svg.

index.json format

  // (required)
  // Data source's unique ID.
  "id": "4chan",

  // (required)
  // Data source's unique single-character ID.
  // This is currently only used on the demo site
  // as a prefix for storing data-source-specific data
  // in a web browser's `localStorage`:
  // longer prefixes occupy more space on the disk
  // so a short single-character emoji is used instead.
  // For example, storing "latest read comment" ID
  // for each thread of `4chan` on the demo site
  // is achieved by storing records with keys like
  // `βŒ¨οΈπŸ€/votes/a/12345` and values like `[{ 12367: -1 }]`.
  // For every thread there would be a separate record
  // so a shorter record key is preferred.
  "shortId": "πŸ€",

  // (required)
  // Data source's domain name.
  "domain": "",

  // (required)
  // Data source title.
  "title": "4chan",

  // (optional)
  // The text displayed under the data source's title on the home page.
  "subtitle": "The imageboard",

  // (required)
  // Data source description.
  // Can be a `String` or `InlineContent` (text with hyperlinks):
  "description": "4chan is the oldest English-speaking imageboard",

  // (optional)
  // Footer links.
  // Each link must have `text` and `url`.
  // Link `type` is optional and currently doesn't have any effect.
  "links": [{
    "type": "rules",
    "text": "Rules",
    "url": ""
  }, {
    "type": "faq",
    "text": "FAQ",
    "url": ""
  }, {
    "type": "twitter",
    "text": "Twitter",
    "url": ""

  // (optional)
  // Footer notes.
  // Can be a `String` or `InlineContent` (text with hyperlinks):
  "footnotes": "Copyright Β© 2003-2019 4chan community support LLC. All rights reserved.",

  // (optional)
  // Defines the order of channel categories in the sidebar
  // when "By Category" channel list view mode is selected.
  "contentCategories": [
    "Japanese Culture",
    "Video Games",

  // (optional)
  // If channels are divided into categories,
  // and if there's an alias for "all the rest",
  // then such channels can be hidden in the sidebar
  // (because the channels in the "all the rest" category
  //  are most-likely user-created channels and there's a lot of them).
  // In such case, "Show All Boards" link will appear under the
  // channels list in the sidebar, that the user could click
  // to view the list of all available channels.
  "contentCategoryUnspecified": "Rest",

  // (optional)
  // Most data sources use "relative" URLs for attachments.
  // And some of them also have "backup" domains in case
  // their primary domain name is blocked by the authorities.
  // Because `anychan` can run on any domain name,
  // it requires a way to determine whether it is
  // running on a "legitimate" data source domain name
  // in order to decide whether it should leave those attachment
  // URLs as they are (being relative URLs, like "/images/abc.jpg")
  // or convert those  attachment URLs from relative URLs to
  // absolute URLs (like ""),
  // otherwise those URLs wouldn't work (for obvious reasons).
  // So, when `anychan` is hosted not on the "main" domain
  // but rather on one of the "backup" domains, it should have
  // a way of knowing that it's still a "legitimate" domain
  // so that it could leave relative attachment URLs as they are.
  // For that, the `domains` data source configuration parameter exists:
  // it should list all legitimate "backup" domains of the data source.
  // The default domain name should also be included in the "domains" list.
  "domains": [

  // (optional)
  // Error page pictures.
  "errorPages": {
    "404": {
      "images": [

  // (optional)
  // Whether the data source archives threads
  // that're pushed off the list of a channel's threads.
  // For example, `` archives threads for about 3 days
  // before they're deleted.
  threadArchive: true,

  // (optional)
  // How long a thread is still accessible before being deleted
  // after it has been archived.
  // For example, on `` it's "3 days" (max),
  // which equals to `3 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000` milliseconds.
  // If `threadArchive` is `true` but `threadArchiveLifetime` is not set
  // then it means that the data source archives threads indefinitely.
  threadArchiveLifetime: 259200000,

  // (required)
  // (required only for non-imageboards)
  // Channel URL template.
  channelUrl: '/r/{channelId}',

  // (required)
  // (required only for non-imageboards)
  // Thread URL template.
  threadUrl: '/r/{channelId}/comments/{threadId}',

  // (required)
  // (required only for non-imageboards)
  // Comment URL template.
  commentUrl: '/r/{channelId}/comments/{threadId}/thread-title-peek/{commentId}',

  // (required)
  // (only for non-imageboards)
  // The API methods.
  api: {
    // (required)
    // Returns the list of channels.
    // If there're a lot of channels, can return just the most popular ones,
    // in which case it should also return a `hasMoreChannels: true` flag.
    // `Channel` type mimicks the `Board` type of `imageboard`:
    async getChannels() {
      return {
        channels: Channel[],
        hasMoreChannels: boolean?

    // (optional)
    // (currently not used)
    // Finds channels by a query.
    // Can be used when `getChannels()` doesn't return the full list of channels.
    // `Channel` type mimicks the `Board` type of `imageboard`:
    async findChannels(query) {
      return {
        channels: Channel[]

    // (required)
    // Returns a list of threads in a channel.
    // Could support parameters like:
    // * `sort: "new"/"hot"/...` for sorting threads.
    // * `afterThreadId` for paging through `sort: "new"` threads.
    //    In that case, `hasMoreThreads: boolean?` flag should also be returned.
    // * `queryId: string` and `page: number` for paging through
    //    the full list of thread IDs. In that case, `queryId` is
    //    returned from the initial query. This variant supercedes
    //    the `afterThreadId`/`hasMoreThreads` approach for `sort: "new"` threads.
    // `Thread` type mimicks the `Thread` type of `imageboard`:
    // (with `boardId` renamed to `channelId`)
    async getThreads({ channelId, channelLayout, sort, afterThreadId, queryId }) {
      return {
        threads: Thread[],
        queryId: string?,
        hasMoreThreads: boolean?

    // (optional)
    // (currently not used)
    // Finds threads by a query.
    // `channelId: string` parameter can be optional
    // if `supportsGlobalThreadSearch` flag is `true` (see below).
    // `Thread` type mimicks the `Thread` type of `imageboard`:
    // (with `boardId` renamed to `channelId`)
    async findThreads(query, { channelId, sort, afterThreadId, queryId }) {
      return {
        threads: Thread[],
        queryId: string?,
        hasMoreThreads: boolean?

    // (optional)
    // (currently not used)
    // Should be `true` if the data source supports "global" thread search
    // by calling `.findThreads()` method without `channelId` parameter.
    supportsGlobalThreadSearch: boolean?,

    // (required)
    // Returns full thread info, including some of the comments.
    // If there're more comments, then `hasMoreComments: true` flag
    // should be returned, and the rest of the comments can be fetched via
    // `getThreadComments({ channelId, threadId, afterCommentId, afterCommentsCount, queryId })`.
    // `Comment` type mimicks the `Comment` type of `imageboard`:
    async getThread({ channelId, threadId }) {
      return {
        id: threadId,
        title: 'Thread Title',
        comments: Comment[],
        commentsCount: 12345,
        hasMoreComments: boolean?,

    // (optional)
    // (currently not used)
    // Returns a list of comments in a thread.
    // Can return just a portion of all available comments,
    // in which case it should also return a `hasMoreComments: true` flag.
    // `queryId` can be used in complex cases: for example,
    // when fetching comments not sorted by date.
    // (like tree-structured comments on ``).
    // The `Comment` type mimicks the `Comment` type of `imageboard`:
    async getThreadComments({
    }) {
      return {
        comments: Comment[],
        hasMoreComments: boolean?

    // (optional)
    // Votes for a comment in a thread.
    // Can be either an upvote or a downvote.
    async voteForComment({
      up: boolean
    }) {

The files should be placed in the data source's directory created inside the dataSources folder. Then, the data source's config should be imported in dataSources/index.js and added to the list of DATA_SOURCES. After that, the data source's icon and logo should be assigned in src/dataSourceLogos.js.

Adding a new data source

(advanced topic)

For imageboard-type data sources, the process is a bit easier.

For non-imageboard-type data sources:

  • First, describe the new data source in a dataSource object property in the configuration file. See DataSource.ts for the schema of a dataSource object.
  • Add the new data source to the list in ./dataSources/non-imageboards.ts (analogous to the existing ones).
  • Add the icon of new data source in ./src/dataSourceIcons.ts (analogous to the existing ones).
  • Add the logo of new data source in ./src/dataSourceLogos.ts (analogous to the existing ones).

Adding a new imageboard

(advanced topic)

First, add the new imageboard to imageboard library. Then add the new imageboard to anychan application:

  • Create the imageboard's directory in ./dataSources/imageboards.
  • In that directory, create files:
    • index.json configuration file
    • icon.png (192px x 192px)
    • logo.svg (or logo.jpg, or logo.png)
    • app-icon-512.png (512px x 512px) for PWA support
  • Add the new imageboard to the list in ./dataSources/imageboards/imageboards.ts (analogous to the existing imageboards).
  • Add the icon of new imageboard in ./src/dataSourceIcons.ts (analogous to the existing imageboards).
  • Add the logo of new imageboard in ./src/dataSourceLogos.ts (analogous to the existing imageboards).





A universal web client for online discussion services like "forums" or "imageboards".


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