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Releases: caproto/caproto


14 Nov 18:43
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What's Changed

  • Python 3.12 is now supported on Linux and macOS.
    • Windows is not yet supported (see #830).
  • A resource leak was fixed in the pyepics compatibility layer caget_many when context was not specified.

Pull requests

Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.1.1


19 May 21:29
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What's Changed

  • Long-standing server-side subscription issues have been resolved:
    • Usage of channel filters on PVs will no longer interfere with requests from other clients. For example, if one client was monitoring PV1 with an array filter - which allows clients to look at only a portion of a larger array - by using PV1.[1:5] and client 2 was monitoring the entire array PV1, caproto would collapse the two requests into one and send the wrong amount of data to one of the two clients.
    • Subscriptions will no longer be dropped due to clients quickly toggling off monitors (EVENTS_OFF) and toggling them back on (EVENTS_ON). This was shown to be an issue relating to Control System Studio. Other Java-based software was also likely affected by the issue.
    • Messages indicating "High load" have been reduced and should only show under the appropriate circumstances. High load settings are now customizable.
    • Subscription backlog for large arrays (e.g., megapixel-sized image waveforms) was previously taking an exorbitant amount of memory. Each ChannelData instance (PV) now has its own subscription backlog setting. caproto will now warn in those situations and attempt to reduce the backlog to fit in under that threshold. All of these settings are customizable - see the documentation page on Environment Variables for further details.
  • caproto now allows for easier fine-tuning of thresholds and other parameters by way of environment variable settings. See the documentation for details.
  • caproto is now tested and verified working on Python 3.11.
  • Miscellaneous continuous integration fixes.

Contributors, maintainers, reviewers, or even those willing to add their thoughts in issues and PRs are still desperately needed. Please see #786 for further details.

Fix and Feature Pull Requests

  • FIX: server subscriptions affecting each other by @klauer in #814
  • FIX: issue 797 - subscription queue loss with eventsoff/eventson by @klauer in #817
  • ENH: subscription backlog configuration and better-tuned settings by @klauer in #819

Maintenance Pull Requests

Full Changelog: v1.0.1...v1.1.0


29 Mar 16:26
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What's Changed

  • FIX: Timeout ignored in pyepics_compat's caget_many by @mcnanneyd in #806
  • Lakeshore example with put completion and settle_time by @gwbischof in #809

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.0.1


01 Sep 18:59
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Breaking changes

  • Python 3.8+ is now required. Python 3.6 and Python 3.7 support has been dropped.
  • PVAccess support has been removed, and caproto returns to being solely an EPICS Channel Access library.

Fixes and changes of note by pull request

  • REF: remove pvAccess support by @klauer in #774
  • REF/ENH: server type annotations + generic support by @klauer in #796
    • pvproperty and PVSpec may now use the data class directly, instead of requiring an internal mapping of data type to class. For example, pvproperty(..., dtype=PvpropertyInteger) is allowed alongside the existing and less explicit pvproperty(..., dtype=int).
    • Using such classes directly comes with the added benefit of type inference with your IDE's language server / static analyzer. pyright and similar should be much happier with caproto IOCs that use pvproperty such that linting of attributes on pvproperty instances, features as "Go to source", and code completion are now possible.
  • FIX: pvproperty broken when decorating methods with docstring. by @rcardenes in #778
  • ENH: provide defaults for user limits in motor record simulation by @clintonroy in #779
  • FIX: Updated method get_data_class() in PVSpec so that type maps are correct for read only by @marrable in #784
  • FIX: Use RotatingFileManager filename when restoring autosave by @mfurseman in #788
  • FIX: Threading client - reconnect PV when connection is interrupted by @smarsching in #799
  • FIX/MNT: cleanups and attempts at addressing windows instability by @klauer in #794
    • Fixes for all Windows clients, servers, and the repeater relating to PV searches. recvfrom was occasionally raising ConnectionResetError, which on Windows only means that: "... a previous send operation resulted in an ICMP Port Unreachable message." This is not fatal in caproto's case and can safely be ignored (or worked around, in the case of asyncio).
    • Fixed pickle/copy for ChannelData subclasses
    • Fixed synchronous repeater bind address to INADDR_ANY (""). Binding to a specific interface meant that on Windows the repeater could not use its client-is-alive detection mechanism by binding to the client port as the bind would always succeed.

Miscellaneous / maintenance updates by pull request

  • CI: add py310 and drop py36 by @tacaswell in #787
  • TST: if the test runs, ignore event loop stoppage by @klauer in #795
  • Fix versioneer compat with py311 by @tacaswell in #776
  • CI: add codecov uploading back by @tacaswell in #766
  • DOC: Update required python version in docs by @mr-kenhoff in #801
  • ENH: spoof-beamline example: fabricate channels for FileNumber and Compression by @jklynch in #790

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.8.1...v1.0.0

v0.8.1: Merge pull request #772 from klauer/rel_v081_part_deux

03 Jun 21:41
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  • pyepics compatibility layer should no longer leak a byte string value through for DBR_STRING PV instances. (#710, #763)


  • Added support for raw EPICS timestamps in ChannelData instances, allowing for lossless representation and transmission of facility-specific beam fiducials, pulse IDs, and such. This feature is not intended to replace the current usage of POSIX (time.time()) timestamps, but rather extend what is considered to be acceptable input. (#770, #771)


18 Mar 18:25
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  • pyepics compatibility layer char_value and enum_strs handling with PV instances and caget_many should now behave better. (#732)
  • Windows compatibility has been improved, especially with respect to the more recent ProactorEventLoop (#720, #707)
  • The environment variable CAPROTO_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT is no longer erroneously interpreted as a string. All clients should now mostly respect this value. (#727)
  • Previously only either scan or startup hooks were allowed per-pvproperty. Both may be used simultaneously now. (#729)
  • Threading client SharedBroadcaster should no longer attempt re-registration after it is disconnected. (#732)
  • RecordFieldGroup subclasses may now customize common fields without intefering with other classes. (#736)
  • Supports the numpy array interface to remove a significant O(n) bottleneck when pre-processing numpy arrays for ChannelByte instances. To avoid an additional copy on immutable data, set value.flags.writeable to False when using compatible numpy arrays. (#731)
  • safe_getsockname was stashing references to sockets and not allowing them to be garbage collected. (#739)
  • data_type values are now validated against ChannelType when used in commands. (#742)
  • Raise RemoteProtocolError with more user-friendly messages when invalid packets or those with invalid command IDs are received. (#743)
  • Synchronous client search erroneously used the same search ID for multiple requests. (#754)


  • An example indicating how to analyze IOCs response times for channel creation was added in #725.
  • A value_write_hook is now supported when updating a value in records. This means that if the user updates .VAL, other fields will have the chance to update their state. (#734)
  • Added preliminary support of the raw_value (.RVAL) field for bi, bo, mbbi, and mbbo records. (#734)
  • Added sleep to AsyncLibraryLayer. (#739)
  • Added startup_hook to (with support in asyncio, curio, trio). By convention, consider using __ainit__ for this hook. (#739)
  • Added monitor helper to the asyncio client. (#739)
  • Now using GitHub actions for automated testing on Windows and macOS, with fixed documentation building and releasing to PyPI. This was defunct since Travis CI changed its payment model. (#749, #754)


  • The mock_record= keyword argument for pvproperty, deprecated in v0.5.0, has been removed. Please change any remaining references to record= when upgrading to v0.8.0.
  • Efforts have been made to allow PVSpec to be used in a standalone fashion - i.e., without pvproperty. See the no_pvproperty IOC example (ioc_examples/advanced) for further details.
  • asyncio-based transports have mostly been removed in favor of using a higher-level API provided by asyncio. This should allow for more precise and informative exception tracebacks. This is now used for all asyncio servers and clients supported by caproto. (#720)
  • The method for generating record field PVGroup classes has been changed to better split auto-generated code with user-customizable field-handling code. (#734)
  • Improved hook method signature checker to include source code filename, line number, and suggested signature. (#736)
  • Reworked IOC documentation and corresponding examples.
  • Old and bad form example all_in_one moved to testing area.
  • Old and bad form example inline_style moved to testing area.
  • Example using ChannelData type_varieties moved to "advanced"
  • On-class-definition validation of PvpropertyData keyword arguments was removed to reduce complexity. CaprotoRuntimeError will be raised on instantiation for pvproperties with bad keyword arguments, indicating the cause and full PVSpec information. (#741)
  • Warning messages when old CA clients are detected have been removed. The reasoning behind the message was likely flawed and will require further investigation. In the meantime, this will reduce log spam. (#757, #761)

v0.7.1: Merge pull request #700 from klauer/rel_v071

14 Jan 00:22
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  • For pvproperty, avoid multiple passes of macro expansion, such that
    {{ is sufficient to escape an opening curly bracket.
  • The server implementation will now catch when socket.recv raises OSError.
  • Broken entrypoints have been fixed for the pathological examples,
    defaultdict_server and spoof_beamline.


  • Show default values for optional macro substitution for IOCs using the
    template parser.


  • Travis CI configuration has been removed from the repository.


08 Dec 18:21
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  • Eliminate memory leak on run-longing servers were we remembered every search request we saw but did not service
  • WaitForPlugins and additional PVs for compatibility were added in the fancy spoof_beamline example.
  • Many more libraries are now entirely optional in the test suite.
  • get_pv_pair_wrapper now supports keyword arguments to the generated pvproperty instances.


  • Added documentation notes on multi-tenant soft IOCs.
  • Added helper tools for easily auto-generating PVGroup-based IOC documentation with sphinx-autosummary.
  • A fake motor record IOC example, with the most common fields implemented.
  • Added iocStats-like helpers for caproto-based IOCs, which include CPU/memory usage information, tools for finding memory leaks, and so on.
  • Add support for -# arguments in caproto-get and caproto-monitor command-line tools.
  • IntEnum values are now supported for pvproperty, simplifying declarations of enum PVs.
  • Added preliminary pvAccess support, including examples and documentation.
  • Added a shared memory IOC example.
  • Added a gamepad IOC example.
  • Added an IOC which generates PVs based on a formula string.
  • Added an escape hatch for pvproperty putters to skip further processing, the SkipWrite exception.


  • The search related API was removed from :class:ca.Broadcaster, all of the search request accounting is handled in the client code. The code that is used on the servers can not do this book keeping because we can not know what other servers are out there and if the SearchRequest actually got serviced (as that goes back uni-cast).
  • Removed curio and trio client implementations. These may reappear in the future, based on the new asyncio client.
  • Removed unused dependency asks, which was part of the full installation.
  • Documentation is now versioned on GitHub pages thanks to doctr-versions-menu.
  • Automated benchmarking code which was previously part of the test suite, has been removed.
  • Unmaintained prototype-level clients based on trio and curio have been removed. The full-featured asyncio client from v0.6.0 is the suggested migration path.
  • IOC examples have been reorganized.
  • Updated continuous integration to use conda-forge epics-base.


31 Jul 23:26
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  • Fixed server PVGroup logger names. It was erroneously using the exact string '{base}.{log_name}', and now will be correctly expanded to be based on either the module name or the parent PVGroup's logger name.
  • Fields defined in the caproto.server.records.RecordFieldGroup may now be customized using, for example, @prop.fields.process_record.putter.
  • caproto.ChannelByte and caproto.ChannelChar with max_length=1 now accept scalar integer values, whereas they were previously failing due to expecting byte strings (or strings). This arose primarily in the case of record fields which attempt to reflect the actual data types found in epics-base.


  • Added a new (experimental) asyncio client with features comparable to the threading client.
  • Allow caproto.server.SubGroup instances to accept keyword arguments.
  • Added autosave-like tools and an example.
  • Now using doctr-versions-menu for documentation.


  • Significantly refactored task handling in the asyncio server. This improves the performance of write request handling and overall task cleanup.
  • Some asyncio server utilities were relocated such that the server and new client can both utilize them.
  • Accessing a caproto.server.pvproperty directly from the caproto.server.PVGroup class will no longer return a caproto.server.PVSpec instance, but the caproto.server.pvproperty itself.