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Check your JavaScript against the Can I Use database

Quick Start

npm install node-caniuse
var caniuse = require('node-caniuse');

  files: './src/**/*.js',
  browsers: {
    Chrome: '>= 5',
    Firefox: '>= 4',
    InternetExplorer: '>= 9'
  reporter: 'console'

API Reference

#####caniuse(Object options [, Function callback]) -> Promise

The result (for both the resolved Promise and for the callback) is an Array where each element represents a file and it's bad tokens.

  "filename" : "path/to/file",
  "tokens"   : [{
    token: "<invalid token>",
    location: {...}

Note: The callback and the promise are equivalent and can be used interchangeably.

> option.files

Type: Array String
Default: []

The files to be scanned by caniuse. Both the String and Array versions accept globs. E.g. ./src/**/*.js

> options.browsers

Type: Object
Default: {}

An object representing your browser support matrix in the following format:

  <browser-name>: <browser-versions>

browser versions can be specified in the following three ways:

  • Direct selection - [9, 10, 11] or '11'
  • Versions newer than - '> 9' or '>= 8'
  • Versions with Global Usage greater than - '> 10%'

browser names can be any of the following (case insensitive):

  • Android for old Android stock browser.
  • BlackBerry or bb for Blackberry browser.
  • Chrome for Google Chrome.
  • Firefox or ff for Mozilla Firefox.
  • Explorer or ie or InternetExplorer for Internet Explorer.
  • iOS or ios_saf for iOS Safari.
  • Opera for Opera.
  • Safari for desktop Safari.
  • OperaMobile or op_mob for Opera Mobile.
  • OperaMini or op_mini for Opera Mini.
  • ChromeAndroid or and_chr for Chrome for Android (mostly same as common Chrome).
  • FirefoxAndroid or and_ff for Firefox for Android.
  • ExplorerMobile or ie_mob for Internet Explorer Mobile.

> reporter

Type: String
Default: null

Specify the output format by choosing any of the node-caniuse reporters

  files: './src/**/*.js',
  browsers: { Chrome: '>= 5' },
  reporter: 'console'

> gobalIgnores

Type: Array
Default: []

Ignore tokens that are properties of of the specified objects. This is helpful if you have libraries that act as polyfills for native behavior.

  files: './src/**/*.js',
  browsers: { Chrome: '>= 5' },
  gobalIgnores: '_'


MIT License


Check your JavaScript against the CanIUse database



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