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This project started in 2015 summer as side-project when I was 18 years old.

More than 2 years later, I deem this project as commercial failure in over-saturated market and thus make this product public as I have other projects to pursue.

Many mistakes were made in both business and development sense as I was the only one developing and designing this. Some of these mistakes were:

  1. Hunting perfectionism - I cannot tell how many times I felt that this product was not ready for public. Thinking back, I was wrong. It was, I was just hunting perfectionism: trying to write perfect code, use latest technology, implement certain new features, and so on. I would say release MVP as soon as possible so you can actually implement features that users want, not what you think they want.
  2. Timing is everything - at that time, when I started writing first line of this product, there was perhaps few such products but they all sucked at the niche I was targeting. Due "hunting perfectionism", the product release was delayed for 1.5 years (I am serious) and thus I were late to the game.

Of-course there are many other mistakes but I think these two are most important takeaways.

The code was written back in 2015 and I am glad that I choose React with Redux that time as this project shows. Of-course if I had a chance to start writing this project from scratch then obviously I would do many things differently to make code much more understandable and scalable like moving monolithic style structure to CSS modules, use TypeScript, Webpack for better build tooling, take functional approach, etc. Nevertheless, I am happy how it turned out.

I hope this project (~30k LOC) shows what you can create with React and Redux and both inspires and shows what kind of code to write and not.



To start developing, install dependencies first:

npm i

And then fire up development server with automatic building:

npm run start

For production build, simply run:

npm run build

Contributions & Issues

Contributions are welcome. Please clearly explain the purpose of the PR and follow the current style.

Issues can be resolved quickest if they are descriptive and include both a reduced test case and a set of steps to reproduce.


Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 © Genert Org 2015 - present.