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A new way of working with Protocol Buffers.

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Protovalidate is protoc-gen-validate's successor.

Protovalidate is in beta across Go, Java, Python, and C++!

General Repos


  1. buf buf Public

    The best way of working with Protocol Buffers.

    Go 8.2k 241

  2. protobuf-es protobuf-es Public

    Protocol Buffers for ECMAScript. The only JavaScript Protobuf library that is fully-compliant with Protobuf conformance tests.

    TypeScript 932 54

  3. protovalidate protovalidate Public

    Protocol Buffer Validation - Go, Java, Python, and C++ Beta Releases!

    Go 613 23

  4. protovalidate-go protovalidate-go Public

    Protocol Buffer Validation for Go

    Go 206 16

  5. protocompile protocompile Public

    A parsing/linking engine for protobuf; the guts for a pure Go replacement of protoc.

    Go 200 16

  6. protoyaml-go protoyaml-go Public

    Marshal and unmarshal Protobuf as YAML with rich error messages.

    Go 25 1


Showing 10 of 54 repositories