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Pianobar control server using ruby on rails to control pandora playback


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Installation Instructions:

Install pianobar

Put desired pianobar config at ~/.config/pianobar/pbctl_config
do not include fifo path or eventcmd
PbCtl will automatically create a config file at ~/.config/pianobar/config that includes the contents of pbctl_config and the necessary fifo path and eventcommand that pbctl requires to function

Installing onto raspberry pi with arch linux

install RVM (see
	install git, curl, and sudo
	run 'curl -L | bash -s stable'
	add '[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"' to your ~/.bashrc file
	run 'exec bash'
install sudo and add your user to the sudoers file (at least while you are installing ruby)
	instead of installing sudo, you may be able to use 'rvm notes' and 'rvm requirements' to see what you need to install
run 'rvm install ruby'
	This will take a *very* long time (over 2 hours) on the raspberry pi since it has to compile ruby
from the pbctl directory, run 'bundle install' and 'bundle update'
install nodejs
currently you may need to comment out the Station.delete_all line from config/initializers/start_pianobar.rb
from the pbctl directory, run 'bundle exec rake db:reset' and 'bundle exec rake db:migrate'
run 'rails server' and you're up and running


It may not work if you put it on a filesystem path that has whitespace in it

Currently this only works on port 3000 since the eventcommand script
is hardcoded to submit to localhost:3000/popfile

When clicking any action on the header bar, it will redirect to the song list

Icons are used from the Glyphicons Halflings set that is made available with boostrap.

Relies on the Pianobar application for playback and control of pandora (


Add header
	links for play, skip, like, dislike, station list, song details
	show title, artist, album, and cover art
	make sure to indicate if a song has been liked or disliked (I think the rating line will indicate this)

Start pianobar on server start
	  Use custom config for eventscript and fifo

Allow programmatic update of status and stations
	  There is an authentication token issue when posting the status text via command line

Reverse order of songs in song index

Put onto raspberry pi
	Add info in readme about what needs to be installed on the raspberry pi
	(for arch linux installation, and for raspbian installation)


Add authentication

Add screenshots

Create Icon for pbctl

Add keyboard shortcuts

Add unit tests

Later TODO:

Add footer
	links for github page, readme, about, etc.


Pianobar control server using ruby on rails to control pandora playback







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