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🎨 theming
:art: theming
Issues related to theming and theme-ui
🖼 block
🖼 block
Issues related to a block component
:bookmark_tabs: MDX
Features related to the MDX-based WYSIWYG
📚 docs
:books: docs
Related to documentation
🐛 bug
🐛 bug
Something isn't working
💻 editor
:computer: editor
JSX-based page builder
🛰️ future
🛰️ future
Feature considerations for later
🙏 good first issue
🙏 good first issue
Issues that are more friendly to newcomers
🚦 high-priority
🚦 high-priority
Let's address this ASAP
Concepts and potential features or implementations to discuss
🚠 upstream
:mountain_cableway: upstream
There's an upstream issue that needs to be resolved first