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  • Things I understand are way less exciting than things I don't understand.
  • As a kid I got a copy of RPG Maker for the original Playstation and realized I was spending weeks (ab)using the simple logic editor in that game to build things it was never meant to build
  • My dad said "hey that sounds like computer programming maybe try that"
  • Checked out some Dummies books from the library and found coding fun.
  • Taught myself Linux in the same way - checking out a Red Hat 7 book from the library with the install CDs still in the back and just screwing around with how you could break what you could do with a "free OS" taught me a ton of basic operating system theory.
  • A few years later I was compiling my own Linux kernels with my own kconfig for kicks.
  • A few more years later got a BS in Software Engineering.
  • Open-source is the best software development paradigm I've come across - it's the world I grew up in and it's the world I feel most comfortable in.

What I do for money right now

Architect, designer, and programming language polyglot most at home with an open-source stack in a Linux/Unix/macOS environment. Have been accused by peers of being creative, intuitive, pessimistic, and a disciplined engineer, but I would like to take this opportunity to clear my name and reject those accusations. Except maybe "pessimistic", I'll cop to that.

Go/Javascript/Terraform/Shell/Python are what I work with daily.

What I'm doing for fun right now

  • Getting past the borrow checker hump with Rust
  • Getting "good at" Rust
  • Shaving yaks with Emacs (using Vim keybinds)
  • Failing to keep up with quantum computing theory
  • Reading books on macroeconomics
  • Collecting, repairing, and modifying 90's-era video game consoles
  • Playing old Japanese vertically-scrolling shoot-em-ups, badly
  • Pretending to be a race car driver and watching F1
  • Listening to 1978-1985-era UK post-punk
  • Keeping up with the burgeoning FPGA-based video game hardware emulation scene.

Dumb thing I'm most proud of doing

  • Despite having no soldering or electronics experience, I replaced all the capacitors in the guts of an old CRT television without electrocuting myself, and it worked. I now use this television to play 90's-era video game consoles.

What I think is important

  • Keeping the joy, fun and sense of play and discovery at the center of all work, personal or professional, and protecting the right of others to keep it there too.


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