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blackliner edited this page Nov 20, 2016 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the RealBattery wiki!

This mods purpose is to provide new parts, that behave like real world batteries. This means:

  • Batteries can not be charged/discharged at infinite rates. Their tech (like Lead-Acid or Li-Ion) define their maximum charge and discharge rates
  • Batteries will loose some of their charge over time, depending on their tech
  • Batteries will heat up if charged/discharged and need cooling. See chapter HEAT
  • Batteries have a much higher EC per mass ratio than their stock counterparts (Stock: 20 EC/kg, Li-Ion: ~650 EC/kg)

The batteries are using StoredCharge(SC) as their internal electrical storage. 1 SC is interpreted as 1kWh, and 1 EC is equivalent to 1kJ, accordiung to RSS/RO philosophie. This means, 1 SC converts to 3600EC, if the battery is discharged. For charging, efficiency will reduce that ratio (usually around 90%, which means, you need 4000 EC to restore 1 SC).


Currently the following techs (types of batteries) are implemented:

  • Lead Acid: power density: 200 kW per ton; energy density: 20 kWh per ton; Charge Ratio: 10% of discharge rate
  • Li Ion: power density: 1800 kW per ton; energy density: 180 kWh per ton; Charge Ratio: 100% of discharge rate

Charge and Discharge Rates

The actual charge and discharge rates (in EC/s) depend on the following factors:

  • discharging rate = thermal efficiency * maximum discharge power
  • charging rate = thermal efficiency * maximum charge power * SOC based charging ratio

Thermal efficiency: based on the current (core)temp and the battery tech, a efficiency value between 0% and 100% is calculated and applied Maximum discharge power: this value is calculated by multiplying the part's mass with the tech-based power density Maximum charge power: this value is calculated by multiplying the maximum discharge power with the tech-based discharge rate SOC based charging ratio: based on the current state of charge of the the battery (ie. how full the battery is in %), another efficiency value between 0% and 100% is calculated and applied


RealBattere is assuming a constant voltage source with an inner resistance for the modeling of the heat behaviour. This leads to a core-heat production proportional to the square of the charge/discharge power. As an example: a 200kg Lead Acid battery has a maximum discharge power of 40 kW (= 40 EC/s). Discharging it with 20 kW would heat up the battery with 10 kW (= 20 kW * 20 kW / 40 kW). The heat can and should be dissipated by conventional/stock heat radiators. A uncooled battery won't explode, but it's maximum charge/discharge rate will suffer.


  • DONE use community resources
  • Tweakscale support
  • new model
  • DONE charge speed dependand of SOC
  • upgrade system from 1.2
  • self discharging
  • discharge only, (Primärzelle)

Some information found on the internet:

different types of batteries

Ri = inner resistance, %dpm = Percent self discharge per hour/month

discharge only

  • Zink-Kohle: 230 kJ/kg, Ri 0.5 Ohm, 0.6%dpm, 1.5V
  • Alkali-Mangan: 450 kJ/kg, Ri 0.15 Ohm, 0.3%dpm, 1.5V
  • Zink-Air: 1200 kJ/kg, Knopfzelle!


1Wh = 3600J = 3.6kJ

  • stock batt:0.02 kJ/kg --- inf 100% 0
  • elko: 0.4 kJ/kg 0.1 kWh/t >10kW/kg 95%eff 0.01%dph
  • supercap: 10 kJ/kg 2.8 kWh/t 6kW/kg 95%eff 0.2%dph
  • Lead-Acid: 110 kJ/kg 30 kWh/t 300W/kg 90%eff 0.1C
  • Ni-Cd: 140 kJ/kg 39 kWh/t 2.2kW/kg 90%eff 0.1C
  • Ni-Mh: 280 kJ/kg 78 kWh/t 1.5kW/kg 90%eff 0.1C
  • Li-Po: 540 kJ/kg 150 kWh/t 3kW/kg 95%eff 80% SOC in 30min, 100% in 60min?
  • Li-Ion: 650 kJ/kg 180 kWh/t 1.8kW/kg 95%eff 80% SOC in 30min, 100% in 60min?
  • Li-Air: 1600 - 40000 kJ/kg ----- 95%eff 80% SOC in 30min, 100% in 60min?