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Releases: billneff79/recharts

Global Mouse Events on Brush

11 Oct 01:48
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Modify Brush to use Global mouse events instead of just over the Brush svg element to allow for a better UX when the brush is mouse down and leaves the brush container.

Add class to background of Brush

10 Oct 03:36
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Add class to background of Brush so it can be styled more easily.

Updated the AreaChart demo to better demonstrate Brush with overlayChart

Performance upgrades for ReactUtils; Brush will call user-supplied onChange prop on changes; Bug Fix for CartesianGrid not showing grid lines

Fix Bug with Brush labels on hover for attribute affectedCharts='others'

07 Oct 16:09
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Fixed Bug: Brush labels were not updating based on the actual selected start and end index in the Brush when affectedCharts attribute was set to 'others'.

Behind the scenes, made XAxis, YAxis and ZAxis real components instead of shell model components. Makes debugging/testing easier.

v1.1.0 Added <Brush /> affectedCharts and overlayChart attributes

06 Oct 04:52
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New <Brush /> attribute: affectedCharts, will allow a Brush to selectively choose which Charts it impacts. Options are:

  • 'all' [default] : Update self and all synchronized charts
  • 'self' : Update only the Chart the Brush is associated with and no synchronized charts
  • 'others' : Only update synchronized Charts and not the Chart this Brush is associated with

New <Brush /> attribute: overlayChart, will allow a Brush to overlay the chart it is a part of rather than being positioned below it. Options are:

  • false [default] : Brush is positioned below the chart and adhered to normal width/height props
  • true : Brush is positioned over the chart and inherits the width/height of the graphing area