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chef-stash Build Status


Installs/Configures Atlassian Stash / Atlassian Bitbucket server and Atlassian Stash Backup Client. Provides LWRPs for code deployment via Stash as well as for hook and repository management. Please see for more information about Stash releases (versions and checksums) that are tested and supported by cookbook versions.



  • CentOS 6, 7
  • RHEL 6, 7
  • Ubuntu 12.04, 14.04


  • Version 5.X of cookbook requires Chef 13


  • HSQLDB (not recommended for production usage)
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • MySQL
  • Postgres


Required Opscode Cookbooks

Third-Party Cookbooks


These attributes are under the node['stash'] namespace.

Attribute Description Type Default
checksum SHA256 checksum for Stash install String auto-detected (see attributes/default.rb)
home_path home data directory for Stash user String /var/atlassian/application-data/bitbucket (if upgrading from 3.x cookbook it will be /var/atlassian/application-data/stash)
install_path location to install Stash String /opt/atlassian
install_type Stash install type - "standalone" only for now String standalone
url_base URL base for Stash install String
url URL for Stash install String auto-detected (see attributes/default.rb)
user user to run Stash String stash
version Stash version to install String 5.9.0

Stash Backup Attributes (Shared)

These attributes are under the node['stash']['backup'] namespace. Some of these attributes are overridden by stash/stash encrypted data bag (Hosted Chef) or data bag (Chef Solo), if it exists.

Attribute Description Type Default
backup_path Path for backups String /tmp
baseurl Stash base URL String https://#{node['fqdn']}/
password Stash administrative user password String changeit
strategy Stash backup strategy: 'backup_client' or 'backup_diy' String backup_client
user Stash administrative user String admin

Stash Backup Client Attributes

Documentation: Using the Stash Backup Client

These attributes are under the node['stash']['backup_client'] namespace. Some of these attributes are overridden by stash/stash encrypted data bag (Hosted Chef) or data bag (Chef Solo), if it exists.

Attribute Description Type Default
checksum SHA256 checksum for Stash Backup Client install String auto-detected (see attributes/default.rb)
install_path location to install Stash Backup Client String /opt/atlassian/stash-backup-client
url_base URL base for Stash Backup Client install String
version Stash Backup Client version to install String 3.3.4

Stash DIY Backup Attributes

Documentation: Using Stash DIY Backup

These attributes are under the node['stash']['backup_diy'] namespace. Some of these attributes are overridden by stash/stash encrypted data bag (Hosted Chef) or data bag (Chef Solo), if it exists.

Attribute Description Type Default
backup_archive_type The way how to backup the stash home String tar
backup_home_type The way how to backup the stash home String rsync
exclude_repos List of repo IDs which should be excluded from the backup List []
gpg_recipient GPG recipient name (only if ['backup_archive_type]' is 'tar-gpg') String ""
install_path location to place Stash DIY Backup scripts String /opt/atlassian/stash-diy-backup
hipchat_room HipChat room where notifications should be sent String ""
hipchat_token Authorization token for the HipChat server String ""
hipchat_url URL to the HipChat server for sending notifications String ''
repo_url Git repository URL where Stash DIY Backup scripts are stored String
revision Git revision (or a branch, or a tag) wich should be checked out String master
temp_path A temporary path where backup essentials should be placed before packing to the archive String /tmp/stash-backup-temp
verbose Should the script output be verbose or not Boolean true

Stash Backup Cron Attributes

These attributes are under the node['stash']['backup']['cron'] namespace. All of these attributes are overridden by stash/stash encrypted data bag (Hosted Chef) or data bag (Chef Solo), if it exists.

Attribute Description Type Default
enable Configure cron job to backup Stash periodically Boolean false
day Day of month String *
hour Hour of day String 0
minute Minute of hour String 0
month Month of year String *
weekday Day of week String *

Stash Database Attributes

The default database will be changing to postgresql when cookbook 4.x is released.

All of these node['stash']['database'] attributes are overridden by stash/stash encrypted data bag (Hosted Chef) or data bag (Chef Solo), if it exists

Attribute Description Type Default
host FQDN or "" ( automatically installs ['database']['type'] server) String
name Stash database name String stash
password Stash database user password String changeit
port Stash database port String 5432
testInterval Stash database pool idle test interval in minutes Fixnum 2
type Stash database type - "hsqldb" (not recommended), "mysql", "postgresql", or "sqlserver" String postgresql
user Stash database user String stash
query_string jdbc query string to append to the end of a JDBC url String empty

Stash JVM Attributes

These attributes are under the node['stash']['jvm'] namespace.

Attribute Description Type Default
minimum_memory JVM minimum memory String 512m
maximum_memory JVM maximum memory String 768m
maximum_permgen JVM maximum PermGen memory String 384m
java_opts additional JAVA_OPTS to be passed to Stash JVM during startup String ""
support_args additional JAVA_OPTS recommended by Atlassian support for Stash JVM during startup String ""

Stash Property Attributes

The usage of node['stash']['plugin'] for properties is deprecated in 3.x of the cookbook and may change or be removed in 4.x

All of these node['stash']['properties'] attributes are overridden by stash/stash encrypted data bag (Hosted Chef) or data bag (Chef Solo), if it exists.

Attribute Description Type Default
key A key/value pair to be inserted into as key=value Hash {}

Stash SSH Attributes

These attributes are under the node['stash']['ssh'] namespace.

Attribute Description Type Default
hostname Stash SSH hostname String node['fqdn']
port Stash SSH port Fixnum 7999
uri Stash SSH URI String ssh://git@#{node['stash']['ssh']['hostname']}:#{node['stash']['ssh']['port']}

Stash Tomcat Attributes

These attributes are under the node['stash']['tomcat'] namespace.

Attribute Description Type Default
port Tomcat HTTP port Fixnum 7990


  • recipe[stash] Installs Atlassian Stash with built-in Tomcat and Apache 2 proxy
  • recipe[stash::apache2] Installs/configures Apache 2 proxy for Stash (ports 80/443)
  • recipe[stash::backup_client] Installs/configures Atlassian Stash Backup Client
  • recipe[stash::backup_client_cron] Installs/configures Atlassian Stash Backup Client cron.d
  • recipe[stash::configuration] Configures Stash's settings
  • recipe[stash::database] Installs/configures MySQL/Postgres server, database, and user for Stash
  • recipe[stash::linux_standalone] Installs/configures Stash via Linux standalone archive
  • recipe[stash::service_init] Installs/configures Stash init service
  • recipe[stash::tomcat_configuration] Configures Stash's built-in Tomcat


  • stash_deploy - wrapper Git resource for using a stash_deploy_key, project, and repository for code deployment
  • stash_deploy_key - creates SSH private key file and SSH wrapper for code deployment
  • hook - Wrapper to enable/disable/configure a stash hook (requires the user account password to be in chef-vault)
  • repo - Wrapper to create/delete a stash repository (requires the user account password to be in chef-vault)


Stash Server Data Bag

For security purposes it is recommended to use data bag for storing secrets like passwords and database credentials.

You can override any attributes from the ['stash'] namespace using the stash/stash data bag. It could be either encrypted or not encrypted by your choice.


  "id": "stash",
  "stash": {
    "database": {
      "type": "postgresql",
      "host": "",
      "name": "stash",
      "user": "stash",
      "password": "stash_db_password",

(Note - "stash" nesting level is required!)

These credentials will be used for your stash installation instead of appropriate attribute values.

Data bag's and item's names are optional and can be changed by overriding attributes ['stash']['data_bag_name'] and ['stash']['data_bag_item']

Stash Server Default Installation

  • Optionally use (un)encrypted data bag or set attributes
    • knife data bag create stash
    • knife data bag edit stash stash --secret-file=path/to/secret
  • Add recipe[stash] to your node's run list.

Stash Backup Client Installation

  • Optionally use (un)encrypted data bag or set attributes
    • knife data bag create stash
    • knife data bag edit stash stash --secret-file=path/to/secret
  • Add recipe[stash]['backup_client'] to your node's run list.

Stash Backup Client Cron Installation

  • Optionally use (un)encrypted data bag or set attributes
    • knife data bag create stash
    • knife data bag edit stash stash --secret-file=path/to/secret
  • Add recipe[stash]['backup_client_cron'] to your node's run list.

Code Deployment From Stash

  • Ensure your node has Git installed
  • Create a stash_deploy_key with the SSH private key contents (using \n for newlines) of a Stash user with permissions to your repository.

For example:

stash_deploy_key "deployment_user" do
  key "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIEpQIB..."
  • In this example, now you can either directly use the ssh_wrapper available at #{node['stash']['install_path']}/ or use the stash_deploy LWRP.

Such as:

stash_deploy "/opt/shibboleth-idp/conf" do
  deploy_key "deployment_user"
  project "SHIBIDP"
  repository "configuration"

Testing and Development

Here's how you can quickly get testing or developing against the cookbook thanks to Vagrant and Berkshelf.

vagrant plugin install vagrant-berkshelf
vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier
vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus
git clone git://
cd chef-stash
vagrant up BOX # BOX being centos5, centos6, debian7, fedora18, fedora19, fedora20, freebsd9, ubuntu1204, ubuntu1210, ubuntu1304, or ubuntu1310

You need to add the following hosts entries:

  • stash-centos-6
  • stash-ubuntu-1204
  • (etc.)

The running Stash server is accessible from the host machine:

CentOS 6 Box:

Ubuntu 12.04 Box:

You can then SSH into the running VM using the vagrant ssh BOX command.

The VM can easily be stopped and deleted with the vagrant destroy command. Please see the official Vagrant documentation for a more in depth explanation of available commands.

Test Kitchen

Please see documentation in:


Please use standard Github issues/pull requests and if possible, in combination with testing on the Vagrant boxes.

License and Contributors

Please see license information in: LICENSE

  • Brian Flad (
  • Kevin Moser (@moserke)
  • Ramon Makkelie (@ramonskie)
  • Martin (@martianus)
  • Mikhail Zholobov (@legal90)
  • Claudio Rivabene (@crivabene)
  • Patrick Connolly (@patcon)
  • Benjamin Neff (@SuperTux88)
  • Anna Tikhonova (@atikhono)
  • Alex Karasik (@akarasik)
  • Andrei Skopenko (@scopenco)
  • Kate Lynn (@katbyte)
  • Lincoln Lee (@linc01n)