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jtpavlock edited this page Jul 18, 2020 · 5 revisions

We categorize every new issue with at least one label. This indicates that someone has seen the issue, even if we don't know what to do about it yet. The most common categories are bug, feature, and needinfo.

The "bug" and "feature" labels are self-explanatory. An issue marked "needinfo" is one that we can't categorize yet---probably because we need more information from the reporter. For example, if there seems to be evidence of a bug but not enough context to reproduce it, the issue gets marked as needinfo.

Often, people will submit incomplete reports and then disappear. To cope with this, we have a stale-bot that goes through and marks any old 'needinfo' issues as stale and then closes them if no further activity occurs. It's preferred to only bump the stale-bot with progress towards removing the 'needinfo' label and "upgrading" it to a 'bug' or 'feature'. This minimizes bloat on the issue and helps keep our current issues to actionable items. Just because an issue is closed, does not mean it cannot be re-opened later once it becomes actionable.