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Gulp Starter

For simple H5 development

Before start

For sure you have intalled the yarn or npm in global


# Install the packages
yarn install

# Start the server
yarn start

# Generate sprite image and style
yarn sprite

# Production build
yarn build

CSS compile

Default compiler is SASS, but also supports LESS. Then you should change with below:

In ./tasks/dev.js

Line 100:
-'./src/sass/**/*.scss', ['sass']);
+'./src/less/**/*.less', ['less']);

Line 104:
- gulp.task('dev', ['sass', 'browserify', 'refresh']);
+ gulp.task('dev', ['less', 'browserify', 'refresh']);

And rename the sass folder to less.

JavaScript compile

Default using browserify and babelify, so we can use commonjs and ES6 module.

Proxy support

Proxy server based on the browser-sync's middleware, more details see here.

Git hooks

Use eslint to check the staged js files, put the pre-commit in config folder

# copy the pre-commit to hooks folder
cp config/pre-commit .git/hooks

# Set it as executable(mac)
chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit

Production build

Default is dist.