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Materials for the Intro to Tmux and Vim Configs RailsConf Workshop.

This takes for granted that you have Homebrew and Xcode Command Line Tools installed (if you're using a Mac).

Initial Setup

This repo contains a Brewfile that you can use to install dependencies for MacOS.

brew bundle --verbose

If you're using Debian or Ubuntu you can install dependencies with apt:

sudo apt-get install curl fonts-powerline git powerline sudo tmux tmuxp vim wget

Vim - Step 1

This step gives you a starter ~/.vimrc config and a Ruby script to play with.

git checkout vim-step1

Tmux - Step 1

This step gives you a starter ~/.tmux.conf config.

git checkout tmux-step1

Tmux - Step 2

This step gives you a default tmuxp config file and some tmux session management scripts.

git checkout tmux-step2

Tmux - Step 3

This step introduces the tmux plugin manager (tpm).

git checkout tmux-step3

In addition to the documented install and update keystrokes, you can also use the following:

~/.tmux/plugins/tpm/bin/update_plugins all

Vim - Step 2

Now we get into plugins for Vim!

git checkout vim-step2

Vim - Step 3

Now we start making the vim status line look cool.

git checkout vim-step3

Tmux - Step 4

Finally, we tackle the tmux status line to dress it up.

git checkout tmux-step4

Vim - Step 4

Implement the NERDTree file browser and filetype icons

git checkout vim-step4


Materials for the Intro to Tmux and Vim Configs RailsConf Workshop






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