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Process bots used for automating the development and deployment CI pipeline.

This README aims to get the reader up to speed with both running and developing ProcBots.


Run npm install in the root balena-procbots repository.

ProcBots uses a dynamic loader to execute its Client Bots. The PROCBOT_BOTS_TO_LOAD environment variable needs to be set to a valid ProcBot instance (the name of which corresponds to the bot names in lib/bots, eg. versionbot).

Other environment variables are required depending on the ProcBot being executed. Please see the section at the bottom of this README which has links to each individual bots own documentation.

balena-on-balena Deployment

Create new app, add appropriate git remote for

gulp build
git push balena master

Appropriate environment variables are required before execution. See below.

Kubernetes Deployment

Deploying to a local K8 cluster (or to an already existing environment) requires a bit of implicit knowledge. A framework for doing this within balena exists. Please speak to DevOps.

Running Locally

PROCBOT_BOTS_TO_LOAD=<name> npm start

If the Client Bot listens to an external service (eg. Github, Front, Discourse, etc), then those services should have their webhook endpoints set to your local machine. This can be achieved via a proxy, such as ngrok. For example, the Github ServiceListener for VersionBot listens on port 4567. Running:

ngrok http 4567

Will produce an HTTPS url (eg. that can then be used as the Github App webhook URL.


Developing ProcBots requires some core knowledge of the concepts behind them, see the Architecture document linked to at the bottom of this README for more information.


Most Client Bots will require secure keys or tokens to operate. These should be passed as environment variables. This allows ProcBots to:

  • Stay open, without the need for any obfuscation or private submodules
  • Allow the security to become a deployment environment function

As the latter changes radically between deployment solutions, this allows the ProcBot framework itself to stay agnostic.


Building tasks are implemented in gulp, and these tasks are defined in the gulpfile.js file.

gulp build will:

  • lint the codebase
  • Transpile the TypeScript source (in lib) into JavaScript (in build), copying any required definitions
  • Produce documentation (output to the docs directory as HTML)

Development itself is agnostic, but currently this repository includes a .vscode directory that has configuration for this editor. This has tasks setup, so buliding from within VSCode will automatically run the gulp tasks and then launch the ProcBots framework.


Testing is done using the mocha framework. Tests are containg withing the tests directory, which mimics the structure of the lib directory. Test files should end with .spec.ts.

To run the tests use npm test.


Whilst this is a project, we welcome any contributions to the ProcBots project, including issue reports, ideas for features, new Client Bots, etc.


The full architecture documentation.






Process bots used for automating the development and deployment CI pipeline







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