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🔍 Rick and Morty explorer

Simple app made using React and Rick & Morty API. It was bootstrapped with Create React App.

Table of Contents

Getting started

Open terminal (e.g. Terminal, iTerm, Git Bash or Git Shell) and type:

  1. To clone repository:
$ git clone
$ cd rick-and-morty
  1. Install dependencies:
$ yarn install

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

  • $ yarn start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.

  • $ yarn build

Builds the app for production to the build folder. It is minified and the filenames include the hashes.


Data fetching strategy

From the definition the profile of a character should include:

  • Image
  • Character information (name, species, etc).
  • Origin and location information (name, dimension, amount of residents, etc).
  • Name of the chapters the character is featured on.

To get all the information from above 3 API calls should be done, as this is how REST endpoints of rickmortyapi are designed. The flow of the data retrieval and rendering is following:

  1. Information about characters can be fetched by using getCharacter imported from 'rickmortyapi' package.
  2. List of characters with basic information is rendered (name, species, gender, image, name of location/origin, number of episodes). Loaders are shown to indicate that additional information is loading.
  3. Lists of locations/origins/episodes IDs are created from characters data list. Based on IDs 2 more requests are done using getLocation and getEpisode functions.
  4. Dimensions and population of locations and origins are rendered, names of episodes are rendered in each card.

By doing this we have a benefit of showing list of characters with basic information to the user and then loading more about locations, origins and names of episodes.

Other possible approaches to solve this could be:

  • "Render-as-you-fetch" approach when React Suspense is ready for data fetching
  • Using GraphQL to fetch required data in 1 request


useFetch - hook for data fetching

Hook for data fetching.

const [loading, error, data, fetchData] = useFetch(promiseFn);
  • promiseFn - function for fetching data, returns a promise
  • loading - return value of loading status
  • error - error message if promiseFn throws an error
  • data - result of fetched data
  • fetchData(...args) - function to manually trigger fetch, passes taken arguments to promiseFn

Under the hood it uses useReducer hook to manage state. Reducer is returning new state according to dispatched actions:

  • FETCH_REQUEST - dispatched before the request is made to indicate beginning of loading or cleaning up data
  • FETCH_SUCCESS - dispatched if the request succeeded, new data is added to state
  • FETCH_FAILURE - dispatched if the request failed, used to indicate the error

useCharactersFetch - hook for fetching characters

const [loading, characters, totalPages, error] = useCharactersFetch({ page: 1 })

useEntitiesFetch - hook for fetching entities (locations, episodes)

const [loading, data, error] = useEntitiesFetch(promiseFn, listOfIds)
  • promiseFn - getLocation or getEpisode imported from 'rickmortyapi'
  • listOfIds - list of locations/episodes IDs to fetch


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