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Golang Rocket Chat REST API client

Use this simple client if you need to connect to Rocket Chat in Golang.

How to use

Just import

import (

Create client

client := gorocket.NewWithOptions("", 
    gorocket.WithTimeout(1 * time.Second),


client := gorocket.NewClient("")

// login as the main admin user
login := gorocket.LoginPayload{
    User:     "admin-login",
    Password: "admin-password",

lg, err := client.Login(&login)

if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("Error: %+v", err)
fmt.Printf("I'm %s", lg.Data.Me.Username)

Manage user

str := gorocket.NewUser{
    Email:                 "",
    Name:                  "John Doe",
    Password:              "simplepassword",
    Username:              "johndoe",
    Active:                true,

me, err := client.UsersCreate(&str)
if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("Error: %+v", err)
fmt.Printf("User was created %t", me.Success)

Post a message

// create a new channel
str := gorocket.CreateChannelRequest{
    Name:     "newchannel",

channel, err := client.CreateChannel(&str)
if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("Error: %+v", err)
fmt.Printf("Channel was created %t", channel.Success)
// post a message
str := gorocket.Message{
    Channel:     "somechannel",
    Text:        "Hey! This is new message from Golang REST Client",

msg, err := client.PostMessage(&str)
if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("Error: %+v", err)
fmt.Printf("Message was posted %t", msg.Success)


If endpoint support pagination, you can use that like this:

// sort field in map. 1 - asc, -1 - desc
srt := map[string]int{"_updatedAt": 1, "name": -1}



Feel free to create issue for add new endpoint to this client