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Add CHANGELOG for 6.23.0 [skip ci] (#5304)
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loganfsmyth committed Feb 13, 2017
1 parent e1fee21 commit cc5750d
Showing 1 changed file with 90 additions and 0 deletions.
90 changes: 90 additions & 0 deletions
Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,96 @@ _Note: Gaps between patch versions are faulty, broken or test releases._

See [CHANGELOG - 6to5]( for the pre-4.0.0 version changelog.

## 6.23.0 (2017-02-13)

#### :rocket: New Feature
* `babel-plugin-transform-react-constant-elements`
* [#4812]( feature: Support pure expressions in transform-react-constant-elements. ([@STRML](
* `babel-preset-flow`, `babel-preset-react`
* [#5288]( Add new flow preset. ([@thejameskyle](
* `babel-traverse`
* [#5230]( Add path/family sibling traversal methods. ([@chitchu](
* `babel-plugin-transform-es2015-block-scoping`
* [#5236]( Add option to block-scoping to throw on slow code. ([@spicyj](

#### :bug: Bug Fix
* `babel-core`, `babel-traverse`
* [#5050]( Rewrite Hub as interface #5047. ([@yongxu](
* `babel-plugin-transform-es2015-for-of`
* [#5298]( Fix loose for-of with label. ([@jridgewell](
* `babel-plugin-transform-react-constant-elements`, `babel-traverse`
* [#5153]( Fix react constant elements bindings. ([@STRML](
* [#5143]( Fix PathHoister hoisting JSX member expressions on "this".. ([@STRML](
* `babel-plugin-transform-do-expressions`, `babel-traverse`
* [#5030]( Prevent multiple return statements in a loop when replacing expressions. ([@existentialism](
* `babel-register`
* [#5260]( Fix TypeError with babel-register's cache. ([@xtuc](
* `babel-traverse`
* [#5206]( Deopt evaluation of undefined with a local binding. Closes [#5204]( ([@boopathi](
* `babel-plugin-transform-runtime`
* [#5195]( Don't transpile ES7 symbol properties. ([@taion](
* `babel`
* [#5258]( checks if babel is installed globally and displays correct cli message. ([@xtina-starr](
* `babel-generator`
* [#5270]( Emit parens for await of ternary expressions. ([@erikdesjardins](
* [#5193]( Fix missing parens when function expressions is tag. ([@existentialism](
* `babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-commonjs`
* [#5235]( Limit export node default assignment stack size #4323. ([@mattste](

#### :memo: Documentation
* `babel-*`
* [#5244]( Normalize options sections in docs [skip ci]. ([@existentialism](
* [#5216]( Remove link to REPL. ([@xtuc](
* Other
* [#5242]( Add our business model [skip ci]. ([@hzoo](
* `babel-plugin-transform-es2015-spread`
* [#5227]( Add example to spread README [skip ci]. ([@finkef](
* `babel-plugin-transform-flow-strip-types`
* [#5212]( Remove REPL link transform-flow-strip-types doc. ([@xtuc](
* `babel-plugin-transform-regenerator`
* [#5202]( Fix transform-regenerator README. ([@xtuc](
* `babel-plugin-transform-es2015-arrow-functions`
* [#5200]( Fix transform-es2015-arrow-functions code blocks on the website. ([@xtuc](
* [#5194]( Fix transform-es2015-arrow-functions README. ([@xtuc](

#### :house: Internal
* `babel-core`
* [#5302]( Add charset so tests work with convert-source-map@>1.4. ([@loganfsmyth](
* `babel-core`, `babel-traverse`
* [#5050]( Rewrite Hub as interface #5047. ([@yongxu](
* `babel-generator`
* [#5255]( codegen performance: use trim instead of lodash/trimEnd. ([@jwbay](
* `babel-types`
* [#5181]( Remove uses of lodash/compact. ([@zertosh](
* `babel-*`
* [#5265]( Re-enable the max-len ESLint rule.. ([@loganfsmyth](
* Other
* [#5264]( Add a sublime project file. ([@loganfsmyth](
* [#5182]( Run coverage only once. ([@existentialism](
* [#5165]( Add Node 7 to CI. ([@chicoxyzzy](

#### Committers: 20
- Andres Suarez ([zertosh](
- Ben Alpert ([spicyj](
- Boopathi Rajaa ([boopathi](
- Brian Ng ([existentialism](
- Christina ([xtina-starr](
- Erik Desjardins ([erikdesjardins](
- Fabian Finke ([finkef](
- Henry Zhu ([hzoo](
- Jimmy Jia ([taion](
- Justin Ridgewell ([jridgewell](
- Logan Smyth ([loganfsmyth](
- Matt Stewart ([mattste](
- Samuel Reed ([STRML](
- Sergey Rubanov ([chicoxyzzy](
- Sven SAULEAU ([xtuc](
- Vicente Jr Yuchitcho ([chitchu](
- Yongxu Ren ([yongxu](
- [jwbay](
- james kyle ([thejameskyle](
- 艁ukasz Lity艅ski ([hex13](

## 6.22.2 (2017-01-19)

#### :bug: Bug Fix
Expand Down

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