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app deploy command

Efe Karakus edited this page May 4, 2020 · 5 revisions
$ ecs-preview app deploy

What does it do?

ecs-preview app deploy deploys your application. Please run ecs-preview app init first to create an application before running this command.

App Deploy:

  1. Builds your local Dockerfile into an image
  2. Tags it with the value from --tag or the latest git sha (if you're in a git directory)
  3. Pushes the image to ECR
  4. Creates / Updates your ECS task-definition and service

What are the flags?

  -e, --env string                     Name of the environment.
  -h, --help                           help for deploy
  -n, --name string                    Name of the application.
      --resource-tags stringToString   Optional. Labels with a key and value separated with commas.
                                       Allows you to categorize resources. (default [])
      --tag string                     Optional. The application's image tag.

What does it look like?

ecs-preview app deploy