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Johan Haleby edited this page Nov 16, 2018 · 8 revisions

Awaitility has a Groovy API that allows you to write

await().until { numberOfReceivedMessages() > 3 }

All you have to do is to depend on the awaitility-groovy-3.1.0 module for this to work (if you're using Groovy 2.2 and above).

Prior to 2.0.0 (using Groovy 2.3 and above)

Implement the AwaitilityTrait that is provided in the awaitility-groovy module. Example:

class AwaitilityTraitTest implements AwaitilityTrait {

  def void groovyClosureSupport()  {

    await().until { numberOfReceivedMessages() > 3 }

Groovy 2.2 and below

Extend or mixin the AwaitilitySupport class that is provided in the awaitility-groovy module. Example:

class AwaitilitySupportTest {

  def void groovyClosureSupport()  {

    await().until { numberOfReceivedMessages() > 3 }

Use the following Maven dependency



  1. Groovy Trait Example
  2. Groovy Mixin Example