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This repository stores the data for the Audioxide API.

on first install, copy the example .env file and cache the API routes

$ yarn setup-env



Files are made up of multiple YAML and Markdown files. Sections are divided by a new line with three dashes (i.e. ---).

  1. The first section of any file contains metadata about the post/author/entity the file describes.
  2. Any section that follows may either contain YAML syntax, with custom data (such as review information) alongside section content in a review, content or body property, or markdown formatted content or a plain string.

NB: All data in this repository should be treated as public!

Post files

Post files should contain at least two sections: metadata, and at least one content section.

Filename inference

The filename of a post file can also contain data about the post. This makes for a handy shorthand method of adding and editing data.

Post filenames should be formatted as [date]-[post type]-[slug].md and these values will be used if no other value is specified in the post metadata section. The post title will also be inferred from the slug if one is not specified, by replacing hyphens with spaces and converting the string to sentence case.

The date should be formatted as YYYYMMDD.

To override any of the data in these values, specify created and/or modified dates, type, slug and title in the post metadata section of the file.


Where post filename =

The following post metadata will be inferred:

created: 2020-04-22T00:00:00Z   # Wednesday 22nd April 2020
modified: 2020-04-22T00:00:00Z   # Wednesday 22nd April 2020
type: reviews
slug: eob-earth
title: Eob earth
Post file example
created: 2020-04-22T00:00:00Z   # Can be inferred from the filename
modified: 2020-04-22T00:00:00Z  # The created date will be used in unspecified
slug: the-slug-url              # Can be inferred from the filename -- on reviews follows artist-name-album-name format
title: The Slug URL             # Can be inferred from the slug in the filename
type: article                   # Can be inferred from the filename
tags:                           # Optional
  - 2010s                       # Specify as one per line or ["in", "an", "array"] format
  - pop
  - bat for lashes
featuredimage: 2016/06/file.png # Relates to a path from the ./data/images directory
author: frederick-obrien                    # Relates to an author file in ./data/authors directory
blurb: Lorem ipsum dolor        # Used as an SEO description; optional; summary used if unspecified
summary: Lorem ipsum dolor      # Used as a by line in articles and a long, conclusive review summary; optional for articles
artistMBID: 00000000-0000-0000  # A MusicBrainz ID for the artist; mainly for reviews; used to pull artist information; optional
artistMBID:                     # ...this field also accepts a list where multiple artists are involved
  - 00000000-0000-0000
  - 00000000-0000-0000
albumMBID: 00000000-0000-0000   # A MusicBrainz ID for the album; mainly for reviews; used to pull album information; optional
albumMBID:                      # ...this field also accepts a list where an article focuses on multiple albums
  - 00000000-0000-0000
  - 00000000-0000-0000
# All items from here on are only used in reviews. This line is a comment, and not necessary in the file
album: Some Album
artist: Some Artist
essentialtracks:                # As with tags, tracks may be specified one per line...
  - Vampires                    # ...or in array format
  - Feel for You
favouritetracks:                # As with tags...
  - So Good
totalscore:                     # Currently, the total score must at least specify the given and possible properties
  given: 22                     # This is a bit verbose and will be easier in future
  possible: 30
  fraction: 0.7333333333333333
colours:                        # As with tags...
  - "#9b1713"
  - "#f8f0ee"
  - "#f8f0ee"
pullquote: An '80s love letter  # A very short, pithy summary of the review
week: 207                       # The week number for this review
artworkCredit: John Doe did it  # Details on the album artwork
artworkCreditSource:   # Link to source for artwork credit information


This is an example of a content section. I am able to use markdown syntax such as **bold** and _italics_.

I can also freely spread content across multiple lines.

The only caveat is that horizontal rules must have more than three dashes such as


or the HTML tag

<hr />

otherwise this content will count as a new content section.


author: andrew-bridge

review: >-
 This is another content section, but it uses YAML syntax to provide further metadata about this
 specific section of content, such as the section author. This is most used by reviews, where each
 section is written by a different person.

 I can still write across multiple lines, and write in **bold** and _italics_.

 Note the single space indentation at the start of each line. YAML is pretty relaxed with this, but
 you should _at least_ have this indentation on the **first** line of the content.

tracks:         # As with tags above, both per line and array format/single line are acceptable
  - So Good
  - ­­Vampires
  - ­­Jasmine

score:          # To make scores even stupider, notice that here, a "score" and "max" property are required
  score: 7      # This is verbose and inconsistent with the totalscore above and will be better in the future
  max: 10
  fraction: 0.7

artistMBID: 00000000-0000-0000  # A MusicBrainz ID for the artist solely discussed in this section; used by articles; optional
albumMBID: 00000000-0000-0000   # A MusicBrainz ID for the album solely discussed in this section; used by articles; optional


We can continue to write as many content sections as we like in either format.

Note also, that Markdown allows for HTML tags to be used within it, allowing for more involved styling
to be used in content

Non-data files

  • netlify.toml
    • The product of this repository is hosted by Netlify. We use their configuration file format to provide data access only to websites on the domain or subdomains.


The content of this project itself is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, and the source code in the functions directory, used for data interactivity is licensed under the MIT license.


Raw Audioxide content and images







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