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Small utility to assist with building HTTP endpoints

Latest Release Go Reference go.mod Go version Lint and Build Project Analysis

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See our GitHub repo for the latest code, to file an issue or submit improvements for review and potential inclusion into the project.


This application is primarily intended to be used as a HTTP endpoint for testing webhook payloads. Over time, it may grow other related features to aid in testing other tools that submit data via HTTP requests.



  • Single binary, no outside dependencies

  • Minimal configuration

    • User configurable TCP port to listen on for incoming HTTP requests (default: 8000)
    • User configurable IP Address to listen on for incoming HTTP requests (default: localhost)
    • Index page automatically generates list of currently supported routes with detailed descriptions and supported request methods
  • Request body and associated metadata is echoed to stdout and back to client

    • Unformatted request body
    • Automatic formatting of JSON payloads when sent to the /api/v1/echo/json endpoint
    • Optional, colorization and custom ident control for formatted JSON output
  • Optional submission of client request details to a user-specified Microsoft Teams channel (by providing a webhook URL)

  • User configurable logging settings

    • levels, format and output (see command-line arguments table)
  • Message delivery retry support with retry and retry delay values configurable via flag

    • currently used by Microsoft Teams notifications support, also intended for use with future email notifications support
  • Capture Ctrl+C and attempt graceful shutdown

  • Notification statistics emitted periodically to assist with troubleshooting


Priority Milestone Description
Low Unplanned Potential merit, but are either low demand or are more complex to implement than other issues under consideration.
Medium Future Considered to have merit and sufficiently low complexity to fit within a near-future milestone.
High vX.Y.Z Milestones with a semantic versioning pattern reflect collections of issues that are in a planning or active development state.

Available Endpoints

Below is a static listing of the available endpoints that may be used for testing with this application. Visiting the index should also generate a dynamic listing of the available endpoints. Please open an issue if you find that there is a mismatch between these entries and those listed on the application index.

Name Pattern Description Allowed Methods Supported Request content types Expected Response content type
index / Main page, fallback for unspecified routes. GET text/plain text/html
echo /api/v1/echo Prints received values as-is to stdout and returns them via HTTP response. GET, POST text/plain, application/json text/plain
echo-json /api/v1/echo/json Prints "pretty printed" JSON request body to stdout and returns via HTTP response. GET (limited), POST (JSON) text/plain, application/json text/plain


See the file for the changes associated with each release of this application. Changes that have been merged to master, but not yet an official release may also be noted in the file under the Unreleased section. A helpful link to the Git commit history since the last official release is also provided for further review.


The following is a loose guideline. Other combinations of Go and operating systems for building and running tools from this repo may work, but have not been tested.

Building source code

  • Go
    • see this project's go.mod file for preferred version
    • this project tests against officially supported Go releases
      • the most recent stable release (aka, "stable")
      • the prior, but still supported release (aka, "oldstable")
  • GCC
    • if building with custom options (as the provided Makefile does)
  • make
    • if using the provided Makefile


  • Windows 10
  • Ubuntu Linux 18.04+


From source

  1. Download Go
  2. Install Go
    • NOTE: Pay special attention to the remarks about $HOME/.profile
  3. Clone the repo
    1. cd /tmp (or equivalent)
    2. git clone
    3. cd bounce
  4. Install dependencies (optional)
    • for Ubuntu Linux
      • sudo apt-get install make gcc
    • for CentOS Linux
      • sudo yum install make gcc
    • for Windows
      • Emulated environments (easier)
        • Skip all of this and build using the default go build command in Windows
        • build using Windows Subsystem for Linux Ubuntu environment and just copy out the Windows binaries from that environment
        • If already running a Docker environment, use a container with the Go tool-chain already installed
        • If already familiar with LXD, create a container and follow the installation steps given previously to install required dependencies
      • Native tooling (harder)
        • see the StackOverflow Question 32127524 link in the References section for potential options for installing make on Windows
        • see the mingw-w64 project homepage link in the References section for options for installing gcc and related packages on Windows
  5. Build
    • for current operating system
      • go build -mod=vendor ./cmd/bounce/
        • forces build to use bundled dependencies in top-level vendor folder
    • for all supported platforms (where make is installed)
      • make all
    • for Windows
      • make windows
    • for Linux
      • make linux
  6. Copy the applicable binary to whatever systems needs to run it
    • if using Makefile: look in /tmp/release_assets/bounce/
    • if using go build: look in /tmp/bounce/

NOTE: Depending on which Makefile recipe you use the generated binary may be compressed and have an xz extension. If so, you should decompress the binary first before deploying it (e.g., xz -d bounce-linux-amd64.xz).

Using release binaries

  1. Download the latest release binaries
  2. Decompress binaries
    • e.g., xz -d bounce-linux-amd64.xz
  3. Deploy
    • Place in a location of your choice


DEB and RPM packages are provided as an alternative to manually deploying binaries.

Configuration Options

Configuration file

  • TODO: Evaluate whether this would be particularly beneficial or if the CLI flags are sufficient for our purposes

Command-line Arguments

Option Required Default Repeat Possible Description
h, help No false No h, help Show Help text along with the list of supported flags.
port No 8000 No valid whole numbers TCP port that this application should listen on for incoming HTTP requests.
ipaddr No localhost No valid fqdn, local name or IP Address Local IP Address that this application should listen on for incoming HTTP requests.
color No false No true, false Whether JSON output should be colorized.
indent-lvl No 2 No 1+; positive whole numbers Number of spaces to use when indenting colorized JSON output. Has no effect unless colorized JSON mode is enabled.
log-lvl No info No fatal, error, warn, info, debug Log message priority filter. Log messages with a lower level are ignored.
log-out No stdout No stdout, stderr Log messages are written to this output target.
log-fmt No text No cli, json, logfmt, text, discard Use the specified apex/log package "handler" to output log messages in that handler's format.
webhook-url No empty string No valid webhook URL The Webhook URL provided by a preconfigured Connector. If specified, this application will attempt to send client request details to the Microsoft Teams channel associated with the webhook URL.
retries No 2 No positive whole number The number of attempts that this application will make to deliver messages before giving up.
retries-delay No 2 No positive whole number The number of seconds that this application will wait before making another delivery attempt.

Worth noting

  • For best results, limit your choice of TCP port to an unprivileged user port between 1024 and 49151

  • Log format names map directly to the Handlers provided by the apex/log package. Their descriptions are duplicated below from the official README for reference:

Log Format ("Handler") Description
cli human-friendly CLI output
json provides log output in JSON format
logfmt plain-text logfmt output
text human-friendly colored output
discard discards all logs

How to use it


  1. Build or obtain a pre-compiled copy of the executable appropriate for your operating system
    • NOTE: As of this writing, CI-enabled automatic builds for new releases are not yet available. We hope to add this in the near future.
  2. Pick a TCP port where you will have the application listen
    • e.g., 8000
  3. Decide what IP Address that you wish to have this application "bind" or "listen" on
    • e.g., localhost or (arbitrary number shown here)
  4. Update your host firewall on the system where this application will run to permit connections to your chosen IP Address and TCP port
    • if possible, limit access to just the remote system submitting HTTP requests
    • skip this step if you plan to only submit HTTP requests from your own system to this application running on your system
      • e.g., localhost:8000
  5. Run this application using your preferred settings by specifying the appropriate command-line flag options.
    • e.g., if you specify a valid Outlook/Microsoft Teams webhook URL, this application will attempt to send client request details to the associated Microsoft Teams channel.
  6. Visit the index page for this application at the appropriate IP Address and the port you specified
    • e.g., http://localhost:8000/
  7. Chose one of the available routes that meet your requirements


Local: Send client request details to Microsoft Teams

In order to have messages sent to a Microsoft Teams channel, bounce requires that you provide a webhook URL to use for submissions. Many more options are available. See the list of available flags for details.

Short example:

./bounce.exe -webhook-url WEBHOOK_URL_HERE

Full example:

$ ./bounce.exe -webhook-url ""

  INFO[0000] bounce is listening on localhost port 8000
  INFO[0000] Visit http://localhost:8000 in your web browser for details

When visiting http://localhost:8000/api/v1/echo in your browser the following will be logged in the console:

Request received: 2020-04-23 16:42:27
Endpoint path requested by client: /api/v1/echo
HTTP Method used by client: GET
Client IP Address:


  * Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9
  * Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
  * Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9
  * Cache-Control: max-age=0
  * Connection: keep-alive
  * Referer: http://localhost:8000/
  * Sec-Fetch-Dest: document
  * Sec-Fetch-Mode: navigate
  * Sec-Fetch-Site: same-origin
  * Sec-Fetch-User: ?1
  * Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
  * User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4124.2 Safari/537.36

No request body was provided by client.

  INFO[0405] StartNotifyMgr: sendMessage: Message successfully sent to Microsoft Teams at 16:42:33

and finally this is what I see in a test Microsoft Teams channel:

Microsoft Teams test submission example screenshot for v0.4.0 release


  • Output is from preparing the v0.4.0 release and is subject to change
  • The go-teams-notify named webhook connector is a test entry initially created when testing the dasrick/go-teams-notify package; I've just kept using this test connector ever since
  • Port 8000 is the default, but can be overridden via a command-line flag
  • Localhost is the default, but another active IP Address can be specified via a command-line flag
  • I ran the application on Windows 10 Version 1903
  • I visited the /echo endpoint (http://localhost:8000/echo) from Google Chrome Canary
  • The same non-logging output shown here is also shown in the browser

Local: View headers submitted by GET request using your browser

$ ./bounce.exe

  INFO[0000] Listening on localhost port 8000

Request received: 2020-03-04T22:03:31-06:00
Endpoint path requested by client: /api/v1/echo
HTTP Method used by client: GET
Client IP Address:


  * Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9
  * Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
  * Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9
  * Connection: keep-alive
  * Referer: http://localhost:8000/
  * Sec-Fetch-Dest: document
  * Sec-Fetch-Mode: navigate
  * Sec-Fetch-Site: same-origin
  * Sec-Fetch-User: ?1
  * Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
  * User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/82.0.4077.0 Safari/537.36

No request body was provided by client.


  • Output is from a v0.3.0 release and is subject to change
  • Port 8000 is the default, we're just being explicit here.
  • I ran the application on Windows 10 Version 1903
  • I visited the /echo endpoint (http://localhost:8000/echo) from Google Chrome Canary
  • The same non-logging output shown here is also shown in the browser

Local: Submit JSON payload using curl, receive unformatted response

Start bounce from one terminal:

$ ./bounce.exe

  INFO[0000] Listening on localhost port 8000

Submit a curl request from another to a non-JSON specific endpoint and see the same output from bounce or from the terminal where you ran the curl command:

$ curl --silent -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @contrib/splunk-test-payload-unformatted.json http://localhost:8000/api/v1/echo

Request received: 2020-03-04T22:06:48-06:00
Endpoint path requested by client: /api/v1/echo
HTTP Method used by client: POST
Client IP Address:


  * Accept: */*
  * Content-Length: 254
  * Content-Type: application/json
  * User-Agent: curl/7.68.0

Unformatted request body:


Error formatting request body:

This endpoint does not apply JSON formatting to the request body.
Use the "/api/v1/echo/json" endpoint for JSON payload testing.


  • Output is from a v0.3.0 release and is subject to change
  • Output shown above is not wrapped
  • We used a "minified" version of the sample Splunk Webhook request JSON payload found in the official docs which is not wrapped or formatted
    • see "Splunk Enterprise > Alerting Manual > Use a webhook alert action"
  • curl was executed from within a Git Bash shell session
  • The current working directory was the root of the cloned repo
  • Non-plaintext submissions are not "pretty-printed" or formatted in any way

Local: Submit JSON payload using curl to JSON-specific endpoint, get formatted response

Start bounce from one terminal:

$ ./bounce.exe

  INFO[0000] Listening on localhost port 8000

Submit a curl request from another to a JSON-specific endpoint and see the same output from bounce or from the terminal where you ran the curl command:

$ curl --silent -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @contrib/splunk-test-payload-unformatted.json http://localhost:8000/api/v1/echo/json

Request received: 2020-03-04T22:05:47-06:00
Endpoint path requested by client: /api/v1/echo/json
HTTP Method used by client: POST
Client IP Address:


  * Accept: */*
  * Content-Length: 254
  * Content-Type: application/json
  * User-Agent: curl/7.68.0

Unformatted request body:


Formatted Body:

        "result": {
                "sourcetype": "mongod",
                "count": "8"
        "sid": "scheduler_admin_search_W2_at_14232356_132",
        "results_link": "http://web.example.local:8000/app/search/@go?sid=scheduler_admin_search_W2_at_14232356_132",
        "search_name": null,
        "owner": "admin",
        "app": "search"


  • Output is from a v0.3.0 release and is subject to change
  • Output was not modified, but copied as-is from the terminal session
  • Output was formatted or "pretty-printed" by the application
  • curl was executed from within a Git Bash shell session
  • The current working directory was the root of the cloned repo

Local: Submit JSON payload using curl to JSON-specific endpoint, get colorized, formatted response

Same as our other JSON-specific endpoint example, but with colorized output enabled.

Here is what you get without color:

Uncolored JSON output example screenshot

and with colorized JSON output enabled:

Colored JSON output example screenshot for v0.2.0 release



Instruction / Examples