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Meeting template for Astropy Coordination Meeting

Steve Crawford edited this page Dec 13, 2019 · 1 revision

Meeting Template


(T-9 months) The location for the meeting should be decided 9 months prior to the meeting. At the end of the previous meeting, a list of potential locations should be generated and contacted. The minimum requirement for hosting the meeting are being able to host 20-30 people along with being able to host a good remote connection. Once the location is decided and dates agreed to, it can be announced. The meeting has typically been held in the last quarter of the year.

Mailing List


Meeting Location


Remote Participation


(T-6 months) Invitation should be sent to the astropy-dev list for participation in the coordination meeting. A google form should be set up to capture information about who is interested in attending, what they want to talk about, if they will be remote, and if they need financial aid.


(T-4 months) High level topics for the meeting should be finalized. These could be related to the location, high priority items, or progress on sponsored projects. Google document for the running notes should be set up to capture items entered via the form and that can be updated as new items come up.

(T-2 months) A first draft for the agenda should be developed. This can be reviewed by the SOC along with speakers contacted.

(T-1 month) A final version of the schedule is produced for distribution.

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Schedule by day

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Local Restaurants

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Code of Conduct

This meeting will be governed by the Astropy Code of Conduct. Our goal is to keep ours a positive, inclusive, successful, and growing community. We hold our community members, especially our core developers and project leaders, to a high bar of inclusive behavior.

Please report violations to any member of the SOC or Ombudsperson.

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(T-12 months) The SOC for next year's meeting should be decided at or near the end of the previous years meeting.


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