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Simple project for spin up gitlab-runner cluster on AWS with some advanced configuration such as:

  1. Build with customized AMI with the help of packer
  2. Build with autoscaling setup, also added with autoscaling schedule with the help of terraform


  1. Packer v1.5
  2. Terraform v0.12.25

How To

Build AMI with Packer

git clone
cd gitlab-runner-cluster-aws
./ packer

Setting up gitlab-runner cluster on AWS
Type the Gitlab URL to be used for gitlab-runner:

Type the Registration Token for Gitlab Runner to be used for gitlab-runner:

Type VPC Id to be used for building the AMI:

Type Public subnet Id to be used for building the AMI:

Running packer to build AMI for gitlab-runner on AWS
amazon-ebs: output will be in this color

Setup gitlab-runner cluster within autoscaling group on AWS with Terraform

cd gitlab-runner-cluster-aws
./ terraform
Setting up gitlab-runner cluster on AWS

Type the gitlab-runner AMI to be used for gitlab-runner cluster:

Type the instance type to be used for gitlab-runner cluster (default c5.large):

Type the desired capacity for gitlab-runner instance should be run in gitlab-runner cluster (default 5):

Type the minimal gitlab-runner instance should be run in gitlab-runner cluster (default 3):

Type the maximal gitlab-runner instance should be run in gitlab-runner cluster (default 10):

Type VPC id to be used for running gitlab-runner cluster:

Type Network Tier to be used for running gitlab-runner cluster:

Running Terraform to spin up for gitlab-runner cluster on AWS
Initializing the backend...

Clean up

./ destroy