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A dynamic microservices framework for building, connecting, and deploying cloud-native applications.

Next.js Starter Project

Next.js is a popular JavaScript framework for building full-stack web applications. This project is an simple example application packaged into an Architect component.

This starter application will show how easy it is to deploy an application both locally and in a remote environment.


Clone the repo

You can clone this repo yourself or use the architect init command to use this project.

Use architect init

You can clone this repo locally using the architect init command. A drop-down list of Starter Projects is displayed for you to select from.

%architect init
? What is the name of your project? my-starter-project
? Please select a framework/language for your project Nextjs

##### Let's set up your project! #####

Creating project directory... ✓
Pulling down GitHub repository... ✓ nextjs

Successfully created project my-starter-project.

Your project is ready to be deployed by Architect!
To deploy locally, run:
  architect dev my-starter-project/architect.yml
$ architect init next
$ cd ./next

Clone it yourself

Run the following command to clone the repo yourself:

# Clone the repository and navigate to this directory
$ git clone
$ cd ./next

Run Locally

Once the repo has been cloned to your local machine, execute the following command from the next directory to run it locally:

$ architect dev .

When this command completes, you can reach your new application at

Make your own changes

This application's architect.yml file contains a debug block that enables hot-reloading for each service within the component. That means you can make changes to the source code, which will automatically apply to the environment. This lets you quickly iterate and see your changes without restarting the application stack.

Give it a try! Search inside your project for "Favorite Movies” and change this string to “Favorite Pizzas”. Once you saved the file, you’ll see the frontend service recompiling in the logs, and then your browser window will update automatically.

Deploy to the Cloud

Do you want to try deploying this application to a cloud environment? Architect's got you covered there, too! We offer free preview environments in our community cloud where you can deploy your applications before deploying to staging or prod. This is an excellent opportunity for testing and getting early feedback before merging your code. You can configure your GitOps to automatically deploy every PR to Architect's community cloud.

Create an environment

To create a new environment on Architect's free cloud, run the following command:

architect environments:create my-first-environment

This command presents you with a list of Kubernetes clusters. Since you haven't added external clusters to your account, you should only see architect. Hit enter to create your environment on Architect's community cloud.

? Select a cluster (Use arrow keys or type to search)
❯  architect

When the command completes, you should see output similar to the following:

%architect environments:create my-first-environment
? Select a cluster architect
Registering environment with Architect... done
Environment created:<account-name>/environments/my-first-environment

Deploy your component

You are now ready to deploy your component to your environment in Architect's community cloud. To deploy your component, run the following command from the next directory:

architect deploy --account <account-name> --environment my-first-environment ./architect.yml

Congrats! You've deployed your first component using Architect.