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Releases: anvilpowered/datasync

Release v0.8.0

27 Nov 21:49
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For server owners: data and config is still compatible from older versions, you must only change jars.

This release has breaking changes and requires Anvil v0.3


  • Updated license to LGPL-3.0 (was GPL-3.0)
  • Fixed same name showing up multiple times for /sync up
  • SERIALIZE_WAIT_FOR_SNAPSHOT_ON_JOIN is now DESERIALIZE_ON_JOIN_DELAY_MILLIS (new one will be added to config automatically, old one can be removed manually)
  • Lots of improvements for multi-server environments
    • Players can now be frozen on join to prevent accidental item loss (configurable with DESERIALIZE_ON_JOIN_DELAY_MILLIS)
    • DataSync will also try to deal with people leaving before the freeze-time is up
  • Restoring a snapshot created on death no longer kills when restored

Release v0.7.0

20 Jul 09:34
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This is the effective re-release of this project. Among other things, the name has been changed from MSDataSync to DataSync.

This release has many bug fixes and improvements over MSDataSync and requires Anvil v0.2.0. Please note that the data format of this version is completely incompatible with previous versions and requires a new database.

If you are currently using an older version of this plugin, you must either rename or delete your old data directory if you are using Xodus or rename or delete the database if you are using MongoDB. The good news is the Minecraft server stores inventories too. This means you can install the new version and your players will continue to have their inventories.

Bug fixes

18 Sep 08:31
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  • Fixed bug that may cause an inventory rollback when joining
  • Fixed bug where the most recent snapshot was sometimes deleted during optimization mode 'all'

Fixes bug with mongodb authentication

13 Sep 09:21
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Fixes bug with mongodb authentication

Fixed more modded items, added wait option

13 Sep 07:02
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Fixed some more modded items, added wait option for deserialize

Fixed some modded items

12 Sep 18:19
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Merge branch 'master' of

First public release - stable

09 Sep 23:45
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Finishing touches for 0.5.1. Optimization task improvments