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Anthony Shibitov

Javascript | HTML | CSS | PostgreSQL | Node.js | Express.js

About me

Hi! I'm Anthony. I'm a 27 year old web developer based in New York. As of late I've been learning Javascript, and more recently, React.

Personal Projects

  • Ephemeral Heart - A site where anonymous users submit messages which are then read and judged by other anonymous users.
    Front end: Vanilla HTML, CSS, Greensock Animation Platform.
    Back end: Node.js, Express.js, PostgreSQL, EJS Templating.
    Hosted on a Debian VPS using Nginx as a reverse proxy and PM2 process manager for persistance. Set up from scratch.

  • JASPER (live link coming soon)
    An online Portable Executable reversing tool, for 32 and 64-bit files.
    Built entirely in javascript, executed client-side.
    Supports imports, exports, PE header parsing, sections headers, relocations, and more. Provides information to quickly triage samples.

Open Source Contributions

  • activist - is a network for political action that allows people to coordinate and collaborate on the issues that matter most to them.
    Front end: Nuxt.js, Vue.js, Typescript, Tailwind CSS, Headless UI.
    Back end: Django, PostgreSQL.
    PR 165 - Safari mobile bugfix
    PR 177 - Create component
    PR 195 - Create component
    PR 266 - Create component
    PR 595 - Refactor modal component
    PR 607 - Refactor search component


  • Graduated from SUNY Fredonia in 2018 with a BS in Computer Science, with an Advanced Computing Concentration.

  • Studied abroad in St. Petersburg, Russia in the summer of 2018 at The Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences of Saint Petersburg State University for accelerated language courses.

  • Undergraduate Projects

Personal Interests

In my spare time I tinker with reverse engineering and malware analysis, and generally anything dealing with low level languages and operating systems.

Outside of technology, I'm a book worm, particularly enjoying classic Russian literature. I also enjoy books and articles relating to critical theory, linguistics, semiotics, and cybernetics.

When I'm not reading or programming, I can be found outside enjoying the fresh air and trying to identify moss with various levels of success.

Contact me

If you'd like to get in touch with me, please feel free to send me an email at


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