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Releases: ansible-collections/community.mysql


22 Feb 10:01
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Release Summary

This is a minor release of the community.mysql collection.
This changelog contains all changes to the modules and plugins in this
collection that have been made after the previous release.

Major Changes

  • Collection version 2.. is EOL, no more bugfixes will be backported. Please consider upgrading to the latest version.

Minor Changes

  • mysql_user - add the password_expire and password_expire_interval arguments to implement the password expiration management for mysql user (#598).
  • mysql_user - add user attribute support via the attributes parameter and return value (#604).


  • mysql_info - the slave_status filter was returning an empty list on MariaDB with multiple replication channels. It now returns all channels by running SHOW ALL SLAVES STATUS for MariaDB servers (#603).


22 Jan 10:17
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Maintenance release of community.mysql to inform users that version 2 is EOL. No code/doc changes were made in this release.


26 Oct 09:22
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Release Summary

This is a patch release of the community.mysql collection.
This changelog contains all changes to the modules and plugins in this collection that have been made after the previous release.

Major Changes

  • The community.mysql collection no longer supports ansible-core 2.12 and ansible-core 2.13. While we take no active measures to prevent usage and there are no plans to introduce incompatible code to the modules, we will stop testing those versions. Both are or will soon be End of Life and if you are still using them, you should consider upgrading to the latest Ansible / ansible-core 2.15 or later as soon as possible (#574).
  • mysql_role - the column_case_sensitive argument's default value will be changed to true in community.mysql 4.0.0. If your playbook expected the column to be automatically uppercased for your roles privileges, you should set this to false explicitly (#578).
  • mysql_user - the column_case_sensitive argument's default value will be changed to true in community.mysql 4.0.0. If your playbook expected the column to be automatically uppercased for your users privileges, you should set this to false explicitly (#577).

Minor Changes

  • mysql_info - add filter users_info (#580).
  • mysql_role - add column_case_sensitive option to prevent field names from being uppercased (#569).
  • mysql_user - add column_case_sensitive option to prevent field names from being uppercased (#569).


25 May 11:33
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Release Summary

This is a patch release of the community.mysql collection.
This changelog contains all changes to the modules and plugins in this collection
that have been made after the previous release.


  • mysql module utils - use the connection arguments db instead of database and passwd instead of password when running with MySQLdb < 2.0.0 (#553).


22 May 07:42
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Release Summary

This is a patch release of the community.mysql collection.
This changelog contains all changes to the modules and plugins in this collection
that have been made after the previous release.


  • mysql module utils - use the connection arguments db instead of database and passwd instead of password when running with older mysql drivers (MySQLdb < 2.1.0 or PyMySQL < 1.0.0) (#551).


05 May 11:44
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Release Summary

This is the minor release of the community.mysql collection.
This changelog contains all changes to the modules and plugins in this collection
that have been made after the previous release.

Minor Changes

  • mysql module utils - change deprecated connection parameters passwd and db to password and database (#177).
  • mysql_user - add MAX_STATEMENT_TIME support for mariadb to the resource_limits argument (#211).


05 May 11:44
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Release Summary

Maintenance release of community.mysql major version 2.
Only contains changes to the CI. There is no functional difference between 2.4.0 and 2.4.1.


05 May 11:43
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Release Summary

Final maintenance release of community.mysql major version 1.

Major Changes

  • The community.mysql 1.x.y release stream is now effectively End of Life. No more releases will be made. This follows the decision to support each major release for two years. This decision stems from this discussion (#537)


08 Feb 09:56
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Release Summary

This is the minor release of the community.mysql collection.
This changelog contains all changes to the modules and plugins in this collection
that have been made after the previous release.

Minor Changes

  • mysql_info - add connector_name and connector_version to returned values (#497).
  • mysql_role - enable auto_commit to avoid MySQL metadata table lock (#479).
  • mysql_user - add plugin_auth_string as optional parameter to use a specific pam service if pam/auth_pam plugin is used (#445).
  • mysql_user - add the session_vars argument to set session variables at the beginning of module execution (#478).
  • mysql_user - display a more informative invalid privilege exception. Changes the exception handling of the granting permission logic to show the query executed , params and the exception message granting privileges fails` (#465).
  • mysql_user - enable auto_commit to avoid MySQL metadata table lock (#479).
  • setup_mysql - update MySQL tarball URL (#491).


  • mysql_user - when revoke privs consists only of GRANT, a 2nd revoke query is executed with empty privs to revoke that ended in an SQL exception (#503).
  • mysql_variables - add uppercase character pattern to regex to allow GLOBAL variables containing uppercase characters. This recognizes variable names used in Galera, for example, wsrep_OSU_method, which breaks the normal pattern of all lowercase characters (#501).


08 Feb 09:56
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Release Summary

This is a bugfix release of the community.mysql collection.
This changelog contains all changes to the modules and plugins in this collection
that have been made after the previous release.

Minor Changes

  • mysql_info - add connector_name and connector_version to returned values (#497).