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Folders and files

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This is a simple JavaFx project that is the solution to a test task.

Task description


  • A customer needs a small utility for processing a text file.
  • The user interface shall allow the user to specify the text file to be processed.
  • This file shall be analyzed and all the words within the file shall be extracted and counted.
  • As a result, a simple two-column table shall be shown.
  • The first column shall contain words, while the second one shall contain their occurrences.
  • The table shall be sorted by the number of occurrences.
  • The user shall be able to cancel the processing of the file.

Technical requirements

  • The program shall read an ANSI text file. The file to be read shall be specified by the user.
  • Separating the words out of the text file is only based on white space characters (space, LR, CR, ...). Handling punctuation marks is beyond the scope of this assignment.
  • It shall be considered that large text files (~50 MB) will be processed, and as such, the user interface shall show a progress bar.
  • It shall be possible to abort the program while parsing the text file.
  • The file parsing logic, responsible for extracting the words out of the input file should be modular and reusable. This is because this logic is intended to be reused in a future project.
  • It is desired that the parsing of the file offers decent performance.
  • The user interface is required to be responsive even during parsing the file so that the user can still interact with the application (e.g. when he/she wants to cancel the file processing).

As an example, considering following input:

1:1 Adam Seth Enos
1:2 Cainan Adam Seth Iared

The program should display the table content below:

Word Occurrence
Adam 2
Seth 2
1:1 1
Enos 1
1:2 1
Cainan 1
Iared 1


The project consists of two modules - analyzing and gui. The analyzing module produces the words-count-analyzing-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar file and the gui module produces the words-count-gui-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar file. words-count-analyzing-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar is responsible for reading and parsing text from a file, counting unique words and sorting them by number of occurrences, while words-count-gui-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar is responsible for displaying a graphical user interface that allows the user to select a file, start the analysis process, interrupt the analysis (if necessary) and view the analysis results.

Building and running


Maven, JDK 17, JavaFX SDK.


Run in project root directory

mvn package

Running in Windows:

Run in project root directory

"<PATH_TO_JDK_BIN_DIR>\java" --module-path "<PATH_TO_JAVAFX_LIB_DIR>" --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml -cp ".\analyzing\target\words-count-analyzing-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar;.\gui\target\words-count-gui-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"

Running in Linux:

Run in project root directory

<PATH_TO_JDK_BIN_DIR>/java --module-path <PATH_TO_JAVAFX_LIB_DIR> --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml -cp ./analyzing/target/words-count-analyzing-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:./gui/target/words-count-gui-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

Quick run

You can just download the appropriate pre-built jar-files from the Packages section of the project's main page on GitHub and run the program in the same way as described in the Build and Run section.