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This is Minne (name tbd).

Minne is a helpful and easier-to-use calendar that provides you with:

  • All your events, to-dos and notes in one place
  • Easy overview of your free time
  • Daily reminder of your weekly goals

On Android, you can [download the app here][].

On iPhone, or if you don't want to install an app, you can [use the web version here][].


After checkout, install the git hooks:



To build a signed apk (for release in HockeyApp, for example):

ionic cordova build --prod --release android -- -- --keystore=calico.keystore --alias=minne

The password is secret, but you can probably guess it ;)


Make sure to configure the function environment

firebase functions:config:set \
  google.client_id="CLIENT_ID" \
  google.client_secret="CLIENT_SECRET" \


To deploy both functions and to

firebase deploy

If you only want to deploy functions

firebase deploy --only functions

Make sure dependencies are installed first, since functions need to compile Typescript.

cd functions
npm install