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(WIP) Booty

Public tooling

Spec & Design:


Linux / Mac (amd64)

curl -fsSL | bash

Windows (amd64) (Needs powershell)

Invoke-WebRequest -useb | Invoke-Expression

Shell Completion


booty completion

or to write it to file (*nix / Darwin for example):

booty completion > compl.bash

it will generate your shell completion, refer to your shell documentation on how best to install it and source it on your shell.

Usage ( for users )


# clone your forked repro. 
# for this example the user is "johnsmith", and the repro is "shared".
git clone
cd shared

# setup git config to have remote section pointing to upstream repository.
booty gw reg share
booty gw fset amplify-edge

# make any change.
rm ./

# add and commit.
booty gw add-all
booty gw commit 'blah'

# check if there were any changes on the shared remote upstream repo.
booty gw fup

# push from your local origin to your remote origin
booty gw push

# open the github repo and create a Push Request (PR) back to upstream as per normal.

Usage (for devs)

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Run make all
  3. Copy the binary in bin directory to your PATH
  4. Run booty

Tinker Tanker

To add a component, implement the Component interface in here

This program installs config under:

  • Linux: $HOME/.local/booty/etc
  • Mac: $HOME/Library/Application\ Support/booty/etc
  • Windows: C:\\ProgramData\booty\etc

The file config.reference.json is provided as a reference should you want to change the program behaviour.


  1. Download 3rd party binaries and libraries our project needs
  2. Install said binaries
  3. Also install service, managed by OS' service supervisor, preferably as user service on dev and as system-wide service running under unprivileged user on production.
  4. Ability to run each service on the foreground like pingcap's tiup playground
  5. Ability to self update and check for updates for third party binaries

Short Term TODO

  1. Manage configs and backups for maintemplatev2