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Amplience Demo Store – Core Automation Files

This package is used by the dc-demostore-cli to set up data for use with Amplience Demo Store Core.

The files in this project will configure a working demonstration environment with sample schemas, content types, content, slots, partials, extensions and...


  • Process for Import / Export

Media Dependencies

This automation is dependent on related media in the Amplience DAM (Content Hub).

If you account does not come with any existing media, please upload all assets in the 'Media' folder in this repository to your content hub before running any automation.

Amplience Content Hub Overview

Amplience Content Hub Documention

File Structure

├── content/
│   ├── content-items/
│   │   ├── Content/
│   │   │   └── 00 Experience Content/
│   │   │       ├── 01 Banners
│   │   │       ├── 02 Cards and Card Lists
│   │   │       ├── 03 Other Content Types
│   │   │       ├── 04 Blogs and Dynamic Blog Lists
│   │   │       ├── 05 Homepage
│   │   │       ├── 06 Content Pages
│   │   │       ├── 07 Layouts
│   │   │       ├── 08 Stores
│   │   │       └── 09 Looks
│   │   ├── Email Marketing
│   │   ├── Site Components
│   │   └── Slots
│   ├── content-type-schemas/
│   │   └── schemas
│   ├── content-types
│   ├── extensions
│   ├── indexes
│   └── settings
├── media/
│   └── Templates
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json


The root folder for automation content is content. Let's dig in to what's inside there.

  • content-type-schemas

    Schemas are your data models for your experiences.

    Content type schemas

  • content-types

    Content Types define where and how youd schemas can be used and attibutes for business teams.

    Content types

  • content-items

    At the root level of content-items there are folders that represent specific repositories. These folders can hold both content items (*.json.hbs) and folders.

  • extensions

    Web apps that extend the functionality of Dynamic Content. Extensions

  • indexes

    Indexes used with Amplience Search. Search Indexes

  • settings

    Hub settings including workflow states and visualization settings

Handlebars template substitution

Files that end in .hbs are Handlebars templates, and can use the context that demostore passes in to it. Here are several examples of templated variables used:

  • dam.imagesMap.<key>

    where key is a camel-cased reference to an asset in dam

  • contentMap.<key>

    where key is a slugified version of the content item's delivery key

  • cms.repositories.<key>

    where key is a slugified version of the repository name

  • url

    the application deployment URL (for visualizations)

  • cms.hub

    hub name