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FOCUS on Geography

Install nvm, then install node v10.24.1 (npm v6.14.12)

nvm install 10.24.1
nvm use 10.24.1

Install NodeJS dependencies

npm install
npm install gulp-cli bower -g

Install Bower dependencies

bower install



All files will be built and copied to the dist directory

Adding a New Feature Article, Photo Essay, or GeoQuiz

  1. Create a new folder under src/publications/<type> where type is one of articles, photoessays, or quizzes
  2. Create an img directory to hold images related to the article. Optimize image download sizes by resizing them appropriately for the typical range of screen sizes and using TinyJPG to intelligently compress them.
  3. Create an index.html file by copying one into your newly created directory from the appropriate src/templates/<type> directory, or by copying an existing publication's index.html page.