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This repository has been archived by the owner on Apr 16, 2021. It is now read-only.


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This codebase is archived. It has been superseded by alphagov/govuk-shielded-vulnerable-people-service.


This is an application for submitting a form.

Getting started

The instructions will help you to get the application running locally on your machine.


You'll need an Amazon DynamoDB local instance running in a docker container.

You'll need a JavaScript runtime:
Clone the app and run bundle locally.

Running DynamoDB


Run the following to set up the local version of DynamoDB

    docker pull amazon/dynamodb-local
    docker run -d -p 8000:8000 amazon/dynamodb-local

Running the application (DynamoDB will need to be running)

foreman start

Running the tests

bundle exec rake


Some of our tests use VCR to generate stubbed responses. Read about how to test with VCR.

Running Sidekiq

We're using Sidekiq, a redis-backed queue, which plays nicely with ActiveJob and ActionMailer, to send emails.

In staging and production, we run instances of the application as workers, to process the email queue.


Sidekiq will start automatically when you run foreman start, but you can also run it alone with bundle exec sidekiq.

Sending emails or SMSs locally

Change the delivery method in development.rb:

config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :notify_email

You'll then need to pass a GOV.UK Notify API key as an environment variable NOTIFY_API_KEY as well the GOVUK_NOTIFY_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_ID and GOVUK_NOTIFY_SMS_TEMPLATE_ID template IDs.

You can create an api key here:

Make sure to pick either "Team and whitelist" or "Testing". The api key can be revoked later.

If you're testing SMS as well, make sure you have a mobile number associated with your Notify profile.

Running the app

GOVUK_NOTIFY_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_ID=<email_template_id_from_notify> GOVUK_NOTIFY_SMS_TEMPLATE_ID=<sms_template_id_from_notify> NOTIFY_API_KEY=<your_api_key> foreman start

If your Notify service doesn't have a template you'll need to create a template in Notify.

The template should have a Message of ((body)) only.

Deployment pipeline

Every commit to master is deployed to GOV.UK PaaS by this concourse pipeline, which is configured in concourse/pipeline.yml.

The concourse pipeline has credentials for the govuk-forms-deployer user in GOV.UK PaaS. This user has the SpaceDeveloper role, so it can cf push the application.

How to deploy breaking changes

Details can be found here.


MIT License