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温绍锦 edited this page Sep 5, 2019 · 1 revision


1.2.60 added support for MixInAnnotations, with four brand new static APIs introduced in JSON.class. This feature is still under beta condition, feel free to have them tested. MixInAnnotations support configuring a MixIn class for a certain Target class and switching between different Target-MixIn combinations.

1. MixInAnnotations API


public abstract class JSON {
    // Associate Target class and MixIn class
    public static void addMixInAnnotations(Type target, Type mixIn)
    // Remove the association
    public static void removeMixInAnnotations(Type target)
    // Clear all associations
    public static void clearMixInAnnotations()
    // Get associated MixIn class for a given Target class
    public static Type getMixInAnnotations(Type target)

2. MixInAnnotations Use Case Example

Assuming we have a Rectangle.class that comes from a third-party library, whose definition is as followed:

public final class Rectangle {
    final private int w, h;
    public Rectangle(int w, int h) {
      this.w = w;
      this.h = h;
    public int getW() { return w; }
    public int getH() { return h; }
    public int getSize() { return w * h; }

This class might not serialize or deserialize in the way we expected, since:

  • "w" and "h" seems hard to understand, better replaced by "width" and "height"
  • getSize() may result in containing a non-exist field "size" in the output of serialization
  • you can't add annotations directly to third-party classes in most cases

Introducing MixInAnnotations:

Define a MixIn class:

abstract class MixIn {
    @JSONField(name="width") abstract int getW(); // rename field
    @JSONField(name="height") abstract int getH(); // rename field
    @JSONField(serialize=false) abstract int getSize(); // go away, please

Use the APIs:

// Associate Target class and MixIn class
JSON.addMixInAnnotations(Rectangle.class, MixIn.class); 

// Serialization
Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(5, 10);
String str = JSON.toJSONString(rectangle);

System.out.println(str); // {"width":5, "height":10}

// Deserialization
Rectangle rectangle2 = JSON.parseObject(str, Rectangle.class);

System.out.println(rectangle2.getW()); // 5
System.out.println(rectangle2.getH()); // 10

// Remove association

In addition, fastjson's MixInAnnotations supports switching between different MixIn classes:

abstract class MixIn_CN {
    @JSONField(name="长度") abstract int getW();
    @JSONField(name="宽度") abstract int getH();
    @JSONField(serialize=false) abstract int getSize();

Use case:

// Associate Target class and MixIn class
JSON.addMixInAnnotations(Rectangle.class, MixIn.class); 

// Serialization
Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(5, 10);
String str = JSON.toJSONString(rectangle);
System.out.println(str); // {"width":5, "height":10}

// Associate Target class and MixIn_CN class
JSON.addMixInAnnotations(Rectangle.class, MixIn_CN.class);

// Serialization
str = JSON.toJSONString(rectangle);
System.out.println(str); // {"宽度":5, "长度":10}

// Remove association

// Serialization
str = JSON.toJSONString(rectangle);
System.out.println(str); // {"h":10,"size":50,"w":5}

3. Usage notes

  • MixInAnnotations support all annotation sets that fastjson recognizes, with the same usage migrates from Target class to MixIn class.
  • A target class associates with the most recently associated MixIn class.
  • Annotations for constructors from target class can directly be put on constructors with the same parameter types in MixIn class(even though they have different names)
  • Make sure associated fields and methods(excepts constructors) in MixIn class have the same name and signature as those in Target class.
  • MixInAnnotations work as expected within inheritance hierarchy.(For example, you can associate MixIn class to super-classes. In this case, the annotations will be overridden by annotations from sub-classes)
  • It's not suggested to switch MixIn configuration for a single Target class under multi-threading environment.
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