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GofileIO Uploader

PyPI - Python Version PyPI - Version

A python script to upload files or directories to Built using asyncio, aiohttp, and tqdm


  • Gofile accounts
  • Private and public directory uploads
  • Parallel uploads
  • Retries
  • Progress bars
  • Upload logging
  • Skipping duplicate uploads
  • Local configs


  1. pip install GofileIOUploader
usage: gofile-upload [-h] [-t TOKEN] [-z {na,eu}] [-f FOLDER] [-d]
                     [--debug-save-js-locally | --no-debug-save-js-locally]
                     [-c CONNECTIONS] [--public | --no-public]
                     [--save | --no-save] [--use-config | --no-use-config]
                     [-r RETRIES]
                     file Uploader supporting parallel uploads

positional arguments:
  file                  File or directory to look for files in to upload

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t TOKEN, --token TOKEN
                        API token for your account so that you can upload to a
                        specific account/folder. You can also set the
                        GOFILE_TOKEN environment variable for this
  -z {na,eu}, --zone {na,eu}
                        Server zone to prefer uploading to
  -f FOLDER, --folder FOLDER
                        Folder to upload files to overriding the directory
                        name if used
  -d, --dry-run         Don't create folders or upload files
  --debug-save-js-locally, --no-debug-save-js-locally
                        Debug option to save the retrieved js file locally.
                        (default: False)
                        Maximum parallel uploads to do at once. (default: 6)
  --public, --no-public
                        Make all files uploaded public. By default they are
                        private and not unsharable. (default: False)
  --save, --no-save     Don't save uploaded file urls to a
                        "gofile_upload_<unixtime>.csv" file. (default: True)
  --use-config, --no-use-config
                        Whether to create and use a config file in
                        $HOME/.config/gofile_upload/config.json. (default:
  -r RETRIES, --retries RETRIES
                        How many times to retry a failed upload. (default: 3)


Duplicate Files

If you try to upload a file and it already exists then the upload will be skipped. This comparison is based on MD5 sums, This check is based on the account being used. You can upload the same file twice to an account if different directories were specified.


Configs are stored in $HOME/.config/gofile_upload/config.json and all successful uploads and md5 sum hashes will be saved in there. Each time you complete an upload a gofile_upload_<timestamp>.csv will be created with the items uploaded and the following metadata: filePath,filePathMD5,fileNameMD5,uploadSuccess,code,downloadPage,fileId,fileName,guestToken,md5,parentFolder

Local Configuration

A local configuration can be used when you specify the --use-config flag This config is saved in $HOME/.config/gofile-upload/config.json and contains the following options:

  "token": "Optional[str]",
  "zone": "Optional[str]",
  "connections": "Optional[int]",
  "public": "Optional[bool]",
  "save": "Optional[bool]",
  "retries": "Optional[int]",
  "history": {
    "md5_sums": {
      "<filepath>": "<md5sum of file>"
    "uploads": [
      "<upload response>"

This config is loaded at runtime and combined with CLI options and defaults to make one config for the program. The precedence for this is:

  1. CLI Defaults
    • connections: 6
    • public: False
    • retries: 3
    • save: True
    • debug_save_js_locally: False
    • use_config: True
  2. Local Config
  3. CLI Options

The config will be saved when MD5 sums are calculated for files as well as when uploads are completed. Configs that have a value of None will be omitted.

If you specify --no-use-config the local file will not be loaded and will not be saved to.



├── sample2.mkv
└── sample.mkv

Upload single file anonymously The file will be private

gofile-upload directory/sample.mkv

Upload single file to your account and make it public

gofile-upload --token 123 --public directory/sample.mkv

Upload single file to directory foo in your account and make it public

gofile-upload --token 123 --public --folder foo directory/sample.mkv

Upload directory to your account and make them public

gofile-upload --token 123 --public directory

Upload directory to directory foo in your account and make them public

gofile-upload --token 123 --public --folder foo directory


Optional Prerequesites

pyenv install 3.9


pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
pre-commit install


This package currently uses [just]( which is a Makefile like utility.

You must install just first and then you can do things like just build or just release which depend on the justfile to take actions.

Improvements Wishlist

  • Paid accounts support, I don't have a paid account so I can't test
  • Add tests
  • Use typing-extensions
  • Add github runners for tests
  • Recursive directory upload support
