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This repositiory was used during a React Native presentation in order to better explain the main concpets of the language.

Disclaimer: This guide does not use Expo

Branch details

Each branch was used to explain a different concept:

  • step-0-base-app → Used to show case a react native base app created through the command

    npx react-native init MyApp --template react-native-template-typescript

  • step-1-structure → Used to explain an example of RN folder structure

  • step-2-localization → Used to show how to introduce localization in a RN application

  • step-3-styling → Used to show how to use styled component inside a RN application

  • step-4-change-screen → Used to show how to handle navigation in a RN application

  • step-5-redux → Used to show how to introduce Redux as state manager inside a RN application

  • step-6-summary-screen → Used to introduce the following concepts

  • step-7-persistence → Used to show how to use Redux Persist to persist data in a RN application

  • step-8-finalization → This does some final refactoring

  • step-9-mock-data → This introduces some mock data to play around

How to run (IOS)

This application uses cocoapdos. In order to run it, you must install them first.

Then, clone the repository and run the following commands:

cd ios && pod install && cd -
yarn run ios

Final Result