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Releases: alecthomas/entityx

Fix cmake issue.

25 Apr 10:23
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Bump to 1.1.2.

Bug fix release.

24 Apr 04:10
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This release fixes an issue where const entities caused components to disappear. This is now fixed and additionally disallows non-const access to components on const entities.

Remove component and event inheritance.

09 Feb 01:56
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Components and events no longer need to be inherited from Component and Event respectively. This allows direct use of classes and structs from third parties without wrapping them.

Bug fix release

21 Oct 03:02
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Fixes a memory leak where component destructors were not called when the EntityManager was shut down.

Stable release (v1.0.0)

29 Sep 04:25
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First stable release of EntityX.

1.0.0alpha1 - Cache coherence + breaking changes

05 May 17:04
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EntityX has switched to a more cache-friendly memory layout for components. This is achieved by requiring the use of assign<Component>(arg0, arg1, ...) and removing assign(component). This allows EntityX to explicitly control the layout of components. The current lyout algorithm reserves space for components in chunks (8192 by default).

This change also necessitated a move away from the use of shared_ptr<> for components, which I had never been that pleased with anyway. Replacing it is a very lightweight ComponentHandle<C> smart pointer. This checks for validity of the entity associated with the component, and validity of the component itself. It also allows future iterations of EntityX to do even more interesting things with memory layout if desirable.

Bug fix

18 Dec 04:51
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Fixes a bug where unpacking to more than two components failed to compile.

First "official" release.

02 Dec 20:20
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First "official" release of EntityX.

Recent notable changes:

  • 2013-10-29 - Boost has been removed as a primary dependency for builds not using python.