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42 project of algorithmic branch -> The goal of this project is to solve the n-puzzle ("taquin" in French) game using the A* search algorithm or one of its variants.

  • 'Parser' object helps for parsing and cleaning data

  • 'Taquin' object simulates the n-puzzle game.

  • 'AStar' object is a modular A* algorithm witch can works with some of its variants and different Heuristics functions.

      Heuristics used in A* algoritm to evaluate a game board (All are a sum of distances between each square and its final position):
      - Manhattan distances
      - Euclidean distances
      - Euclidean distances miness a constant if a square is arrived in the right position.
      "Strategies" used in A* are the way to use heuristics value and actual depth of the algorithm (Variant of A*):
      - Uniform cost:         Just care about path cost (Cost between nodes are 1, so in this case it's like Dijkstra algorithm)
      - Dijkstra algorithm:   Looking all paths (Based on depth)
      - Greedy Search:        Just care about heuristic
      - Classic AStar:        Care about path cost and heuristic to open a node
  • 'Node' object are used in 'AstarData' to saved data of A*.

  • 'AstarData' object is an optimized data structure for A*.

      Open list is simulate with a priority queue of 'Node' and a dictionnary of 'Node' based on the state.
      - "beam search" optimization is also available (Open list has a fixed length)
      Closed list is simulate with a 'str' object, who represent a concatenation of all 'Node'.state_id


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