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Package goalesce

Package goalesce is a library for copying and merging objects in Go. It can merge and copy any type of object, including structs, maps, arrays and slices, even nested ones.


The main entry points are the DeepCopy and DeepMerge functions:

func DeepCopy  [T any](     o T, opts ...Option) (T, error)
func DeepMerge [T any](o1, o2 T, opts ...Option) (T, error)

DeepCopy, as the name implies, copies the given object and returns the copy. The copy is "deep" in the sense that it copies all the fields and elements of the object recursively.

DeepMerge merges the two values into a single value and returns that value. Again, the merge is "deep" and will merge all the fields and elements of the object recursively.

When called with no options, DeepMerge uses the following merge algorithm:

  • If both values are untyped nils, return nil.
  • If one value is untyped nil, return the other value.
  • If both values are zero-values for the type, return the type's zero-value.
  • If one value is a zero-value for the type, return the other value.
  • Otherwise, the values are merged using the following rules:
    • If both values are interfaces of same underlying types, merge the underlying values.
    • If both values are pointers, merge the values pointed to.
    • If both values are maps, merge the maps recursively, key by key.
    • If both values are structs, merge the structs recursively, field by field.
    • For other types (including slices), return the second value ("atomic" semantics).

Note that by default, slices and arrays are merged with atomic semantics, that is, the second slice or array overwrites the first one completely if it is non-zero. It is possible to change this behavior, see examples below.

Both DeepCopy and DeepMerge can be called with a list of options to modify its default merging and copying behavior. See the documentation of each option for details.

Using DeepCopy

Using DeepCopy is extremely simple:

Copying atomic values

Immutable values are always copied with atomic semantics, that is, the returned "copy" is actually the value itself. This is OK since only immutable types that are typically passed by value (int, string, etc.) are copied with this strategy.

v = "abc"
copied, _ = goalesce.DeepCopy(v)
fmt.Printf("DeepCopy(%+v) = %+v\n", v, copied)


DeepCopy(abc) = abc

Copying structs

The copied struct is a newly-allocated object; the struct fields are deep-copied:

type User struct {
    ID   int
    Name string
v = User{ID: 1, Name: "Alice"}
copied, _ = goalesce.DeepCopy(v)
fmt.Printf("DeepCopy(%+v) = %+v\n", v, copied)


DeepCopy({ID:1 Name:Alice}) = {ID:1 Name:Alice}

Only exported fields can be copied. Unexported fields are ignored.

Copying pointers

The copied pointer never points to the same memory address; the pointer target is deep-copied:

v = &User{ID: 1, Name: "Alice"}
copied, _ = goalesce.DeepCopy(v)
fmt.Printf("DeepCopy(%+v) = %+v, %p != %p\n", v, copied, v, copied)


DeepCopy(&{ID:1 Name:Alice}) = &{ID:1 Name:Alice}, 0xc00000e2a0 != 0xc00000e2d0

Copying maps

The copied map never points to the same memory address; the map entries are deep-copied:

v = map[int]string{1: "a", 2: "b"}
copied, _ = goalesce.DeepCopy(v)
fmt.Printf("DeepCopy(%+v) = %+v, %p != %p\n", v, copied, v, copied)


DeepCopy(map[1:a 2:b]) = map[1:a 2:b], 0xc000101470 != 0xc0001015c0

Copying slices

The copied slice never points to the same memory address; the slice elements are deep-copied:

v = []int{1, 2}
copied, _ = goalesce.DeepCopy(v)
fmt.Printf("DeepCopy(%+v) = %+v, %p != %p\n", v, copied, v, copied)


DeepCopy([1 2]) = [1 2], 0xc000018b90 != 0xc000018ba0

Custom copiers

The option WithTypeCopier can be used to delegate the copying of a given type to a custom function:

negatingCopier := func(v reflect.Value) (reflect.Value, error) {
    result := reflect.New(v.Type()).Elem()
    return result, nil
v := 1
copied, err := goalesce.DeepCopy(v, goalesce.WithTypeCopier(reflect.TypeOf(v), negatingCopier))
fmt.Printf("DeepCopy(%+v, WithTypeCopier) = %+v, %v\n", v, copied, err)


DeepCopy(1, WithTypeCopier) = -1, <nil>

Using DeepMerge

Merging atomic values

Immutable values are always merged with atomic semantics: the "merged" value is actually the second value if it is non-zero, and the first value otherwise. This is OK since values of types like int, string, etc. are immutable.

v1 := "abc"
v2 := "def"
merged, _ := goalesce.DeepMerge(v1, v2)
fmt.Printf("DeepMerge(%v, %v) = %v\n", v1, v2, merged)


DeepMerge(abc, def) = def

Merging pointers

Pointers are merged by merging the values they point to (which could be nil):

stringPtr := func(s string) *string { return &s }
v1 := stringPtr("abc")
v2 := stringPtr("def")
merged, _ := goalesce.DeepMerge(v1, v2)
fmt.Printf("DeepMerge(%v, %v) = %v\n", *v1, *v2, *(merged.(*string)))


DeepMerge(abc, def) = def

Merging maps

When both maps are non-zero-values, the default behavior is to merge the two maps key by key, recursively merging the values.

v1 := map[int]string{1: "a", 2: "b"}
v2 := map[int]string{2: "c", 3: "d"}
merged, _ := goalesce.DeepMerge(v1, v2)
fmt.Printf("DeepMerge(%v, %v) = %v\n", v1, v2, merged)


DeepMerge(map[1:a 2:b], map[2:c 3:d]) = map[1:a 2:c 3:d]

Merging interfaces

When both interfaces are non-zero-values, the default behavior is to merge their runtime values recursively.

type Bird interface {
type Duck struct {
    Name string
func (d *Duck) Chirp() {
v1 := Bird(&Duck{Name: "Donald"})
v2 := Bird(&Duck{Name: "Scrooge"})
merged, _ = goalesce.DeepMerge(v1, v2)
fmt.Printf("DeepMerge(%+v, %+v) = %+v\n", v1, v2, merged)


DeepMerge(&{Name:Donald}, &{Name:Scrooge}) = &{Name:Scrooge}

If the two values have different runtime types, an error is returned.

Merging slices and arrays

When both slices or arrays are non-zero-values, the default behavior is to apply atomic semantics, that is, to replace the first slice or array with the second one:

v1 := []int{1, 2}
v2 := []int{2, 3}
merged, _ := goalesce.DeepMerge(v1, v2)
fmt.Printf("DeepMerge(%v, %v) = %v\n", v1, v2, merged)


DeepMerge([1 2], [2 3]) = [2 3]

This is indeed the safest choice when merging slices and arrays, but other merging strategies can be used (see below).

Treating empty slices as zero-values

An empty slice is not a zero-value for a slice. Therefore, when the second slice is an empty slice, an empty slice is returned:

v1 := []int{1, 2}
v2 := []int{} // empty slice
merged, _ := goalesce.DeepMerge(v1, v2)
fmt.Printf("DeepMerge(%v, %v) = %v\n", v1, v2, merged)


DeepMerge([1 2], []) = []

To consider empty slices as zero-values, use the WithZeroEmptySlice option. This changes the default behavior: when merging a non-empty slice with an empty slice, normally the empty slice is returned as in the example above; but with this option, the non-empty slice is returned.

v1 = []int{1, 2}
v2 = []int{} // empty slice will be considered zero-value
merged, _ = goalesce.DeepMerge(v1, v2, goalesce.WithZeroEmptySliceMerge())
fmt.Printf("DeepMerge(%+v, %+v, ZeroEmptySlice) = %+v\n", v1, v2, merged)


DeepMerge([1 2], [], ZeroEmptySlice) = [1 2]

Using "set-union" strategy

The "set-union" strategy can be used to merge the two slices together by creating a resulting slice that contains all elements from both slices, but no duplicates:

v1 := []int{1, 2}
v2 := []int{2, 3}
merged, _ := goalesce.DeepMerge(v1, v2, goalesce.WithDefaultSliceSetUnionMerge())
fmt.Printf("DeepMerge(%v, %v, SetUnion) = %v\n", merged)


DeepMerge([1 2], [2 3], SetUnion) = [1 2 3]

When the slice elements are pointers, this strategy dereferences the pointers and compare their targets. If the resulting value is nil, the zero-value is used instead. This means that two nil pointers are considered equal, and equal to a non-nil pointer to the zero-value:

intPtr := func(i int) *int { return &i }
v1 := []*int{new(int), intPtr(0)} // new(int) and intPtr(0) are equal and point both to the zero-value (0)
v2 := []*int{nil, intPtr(1)}      // nil will be merged as the zero-value (0)
merged, _ := goalesce.DeepMerge(v1, v2, goalesce.WithDefaultSliceSetUnionMerge())
for i, elem := range merged.([]*int) {
    fmt.Printf("%v: %T %v\n", i, elem, *elem)


0: *int 0
1: *int 1

This strategy is fine for slices of simple types and pointers thereof, but it is not recommended for slices of complex types as the elements may not be fully comparable. Also, it is not suitable for slices of double pointers.

The resulting slice's element order is deterministic: each element appears in the order it was first encountered when iterating over the two slices.

This strategy is available with two options:

  • WithDefaultSliceSetUnionMerge: applies this strategy to all slices;
  • WithSliceSetUnionMerge: applies this strategy to slices of a given type.

This strategy is not available for arrays.

Using "list-append" strategy

The "list-append" strategy appends the second slice to the first one (possibly resulting in duplicates):

v1 := []int{1, 2}
v2 := []int{2, 3}
merged, _ := goalesce.DeepMerge(v1, v2, goalesce.WithDefaultSliceListAppendMerge())
fmt.Printf("DeepMerge(%v, %v, ListAppend) = %v\n", merged)


DeepMerge([1 2], [2 3], ListAppend) = [1 2 2 3]

The resulting slice's element order is deterministic.

This strategy is available with two options:

  • WithDefaultSliceListAppendMerge: applies this strategy to all slices;
  • WithSliceListAppendMerge: applies this strategy to slices of a given type.

This strategy is not available for arrays.

Using "merge-by-index" strategy

The "merge-by-index" strategy can be used to merge two slices together using their indices as the merge key:

v1 := []int{1, 2, 3}
v2 := []int{-1, -2}
merged, _ := goalesce.DeepMerge(v1, v2, goalesce.WithDefaultSliceMergeByIndex())
fmt.Printf("DeepMerge(%v, %v, MergeByIndex) = %v\n", v1, v2, merged)


DeepMerge([1 2 3], [-1 -2], MergeByIndex) = [-1 -2 3]

This strategy is available for slices with two options:

  • WithDefaultSliceMergeByIndex: applies this strategy to all slices;
  • WithSliceMergeByIndex: applies this strategy to slices of a given type.

This strategy is available for arrays with two options:

  • WithDefaultArrayMergeByIndex: applies this strategy to all arrays;
  • WithArrayMergeByIndex: applies this strategy to arrays of a given type.

Using "merge-by-key" strategy

The "merge-by-key" strategy can be used to merge two slices together using an arbitrary merge key:

type User struct {
    ID   int
    Name string
    Age  int
mergeKeyFunc := func(_ int, v reflect.Value) (reflect.Value, error) {
    return v.FieldByName("ID"), nil
v1 := []User{{ID: 1, Name: "Alice"}, {ID: 2, Name: "Bob"}}
v2 := []User{{ID: 2, Age: 30}, {ID: 1, Age: 20}}
merged, _ := goalesce.DeepMerge(v1, v2, goalesce.WithMergeByKeyFunc(reflect.TypeOf(User{}), mergeKeyFunc))
fmt.Printf("DeepMerge(%+v, %+v) = %+v\n", v1, v2, merged)


DeepMerge([{ID:1 Name:Alice Age:0} {ID:2 Name:Bob Age:0}], [{ID:2 Name: Age:30} {ID:1 Name: Age:20}]) = [{ID:1 Name:Alice Age:20} {ID:2 Name:Bob Age:30}]

This strategy is similar to Kubernetes' strategic merge patch.

The function mergeKeyFunc must be of type SliceMergeKeyFunc. It will be invoked with the index and value of the slice element to extract a merge key from.

The most common usage for this strategy is to merge slices of structs, where the merge key is the name of a primary key field. In this case, we can use the WithMergeByID option to specify the field name to use as merge key, and simplify the example above as follows:

v1 := []User{{ID: 1, Name: "Alice"}, {ID: 2, Name: "Bob"}}
v2 := []User{{ID: 1, Age: 20}      , {ID: 2, Age: 30}}
merged, _ := goalesce.DeepMerge(v1, v2, goalesce.WithMergeByID(reflect.TypeOf(User{}), "ID"))
fmt.Printf("DeepMerge(%+v, %+v, MergeByID) = %+v\n", v1, v2, merged)


DeepMerge([{ID:1 Name:Alice} {ID:2 Name:Bob}], [{ID:1 Age:20} {ID:2 Age:30}], MergeByID) = [{ID:1 Name:Alice Age:20} {ID:2 Name:Bob Age:30}]

The option WithMergeByID also works out-of-the-box on slices of pointers to structs:

v1 := []*User{{ID: 1, Name: "Alice"}, {ID: 2, Name: "Bob"}}
v2 := []*User{{ID: 2, Age: 30}, {ID: 1, Age: 20}}
merged, _ = goalesce.DeepMerge(v1, v2, goalesce.WithMergeByID(reflect.TypeOf(User{}), "ID"))
jsn, _ := json.MarshalIndent(merged, "", "  ")


    "ID": 1,
    "Name": "Alice",
    "Age": 20
    "ID": 2,
    "Name": "Bob",
    "Age": 30

This strategy is not available for arrays.

Merging structs

When both structs are non-zero-values, the default behavior is to merge the two structs field by field, recursively merging their values.

type User struct {
    ID   int
    Name string
    Age  int
v1 := User{ID: 1, Name: "Alice"}
v2 := User{ID: 1, Age: 20}
merged, _ := goalesce.DeepMerge(v1, v2)
fmt.Printf("DeepMerge(%+v, %+v) = %+v\n", v1, v2, merged)


DeepMerge({ID:1 Name:Alice}, {ID:1 Age:20}) = {ID:1 Name:Alice Age:20}

Only exported fields can be merged. Unexported fields are ignored.

Per-field merging strategies

When the default struct merging behavior is not desired or sufficient, per-field merging strategies can be used.

The struct tag goalesce allows to specify the following per-field strategies:

Strategy Valid on Effect
atomic Any field Applies "atomic" semantics.
union Slice fields Applies "set-union" semantics.
append Slice fields Applies "list-append" semantics.
index Slice fields Applies "merge-by-index" semantics.
id Slice of struct fields Applies "merge-by-id" semantics.

With the id strategy, a merge key must also be provided, separated by a colon from the strategy name itself, e.g. goalesce:"id:ID". The merge key must be the name of an exported field in the slice's struct element type.


type Actor struct {
    ID   int
    Name string
type Movie struct {
    Name        string
    Description string
    Actors      []Actor           `goalesce:"id:ID"`
    Tags        []string          `goalesce:"union"`
    Labels      map[string]string `goalesce:"atomic"`
v1 = Movie{
    Name:        "The Matrix",
    Description: "A computer hacker learns from mysterious rebels about the true nature of his reality and his role in the war against its controllers.",
    Actors: []Actor{
        {ID: 1, Name: "Keanu Reeves"},
        {ID: 2, Name: "Laurence Fishburne"},
        {ID: 3, Name: "Carrie-Anne Moss"},
    Tags: []string{"sci-fi", "action"},
    Labels: map[string]string{
        "producer": "Wachowski Brothers",
v2 = Movie{
    Name: "The Matrix",
    Actors: []Actor{
        {ID: 2, Name: "Laurence Fishburne"},
        {ID: 3, Name: "Carrie-Anne Moss"},
        {ID: 4, Name: "Hugo Weaving"},
    Tags: []string{"action", "fantasy"},
    Labels: map[string]string{
        "director": "Wachowski Brothers",
merged, _ = goalesce.DeepMerge(v1, v2)
jsn, _ := json.MarshalIndent(merged, "", "  ")


  "Name": "The Matrix",
  "Description": "A computer hacker learns from mysterious rebels about the true nature of his reality and his role in the war against its controllers.",
  "Actors": [
      "ID": 1,
      "Name": "Keanu Reeves"
      "ID": 2,
      "Name": "Laurence Fishburne"
      "ID": 3,
      "Name": "Carrie-Anne Moss"
      "ID": 4,
      "Name": "Hugo Weaving"
  "Tags": [
  "Labels": {
    "director": "Wachowski Brothers"

If you cannot annotate your struct with a goalesce tag, you can use the following options to specify per-field strategies programmatically:

  • WithFieldListAppendMerge
  • WithFieldListUnionMerge
  • WithFieldMergeByIndex
  • WithFieldMergeByID
  • WithFieldMergeByKeyFunc

See the online documentation for more examples.

Custom mergers

The following options allow to pass a custom merger to the DeepMerge function:

  • The WithTypeMerger option can be used to merge a given type with a custom merger.
  • The WithFieldMerger option can be used to merge a given struct field with a custom merger.

Here is an example showcasing WithTypeMerger:

summingMerger := func(v1, v2 reflect.Value) (reflect.Value, error) {
    result := reflect.New(v1.Type()).Elem()
    result.SetInt(v1.Int() + v2.Int())
    return result, nil
v1 := 1
v2 := 2
merged, err := goalesce.DeepMerge(v1, v2, goalesce.WithTypeMerger(reflect.TypeOf(v1), summingMerger))
fmt.Printf("DeepMerge(%+v, %+v, WithTypeMerger) = %+v, %v\n", v1, v2, merged, err)


DeepMerge(1, 2, WithTypeMerger) = 3, <nil>

It gets a bit more involved when the custom merger needs to access the global merge function, for example, to delegate the merging of child values.

For these cases, there are 2 other options:

  • The WithTypeMergerProvider option can be used to merge a given type with a custom DeepMergeFunc.
  • The WithFieldMergerProvider option can be used to merge a given struct field with a custom DeepMergeFunc.

The above options give the custom merger access to the parent merger and the parent copier.

Here is an example showcasing WithFieldMergerProvider:

userMergerProvider := func(globalMerger goalesce.DeepMergeFunc, globalCopier goalesce.DeepCopyFunc) goalesce.DeepMergeFunc {
    return func(v1, v2 reflect.Value) (reflect.Value, error) {
        if v1.Int() == 1 {
            return reflect.Value{}, errors.New("user 1 has been deleted")
        return globalMerger(v1, v2) // use global merger for other values
v1 := User{ID: 1, Name: "Alice"}
v2 := User{ID: 1, Age: 20}
merged, err := goalesce.DeepMerge(v1, v2, goalesce.WithFieldMergerProvider(reflect.TypeOf(User{}), "ID", userMergerProvider))
fmt.Printf("DeepMerge(%+v, %+v, WithFieldMergerProvider) = %+v, %v\n", v1, v2, merged, err)


DeepMerge({ID:1 Name:Alice Age:0}, {ID:1 Name: Age:20}, WithFieldMergerProvider) = {ID:0 Name: Age:0}, user 1 has been deleted


A library for coalescing objects in Go







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