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Laravel Dismissible Tips

This package allows you to present users with in-context helpful tips that can be dismissed once or permanently.


Install using composer:

composer require adamthehutt/laravel-dismissible-tips

Then publish assets and other configuration:

php artisan vendor:publish

Run migrations:

php artisan migrate

Make sure to include the relevant css and js files. You can either incorporate them into your existing asset pipeline or reference them directly as:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/vendor/dismissible-tips/tips.css"/>
<script src="/vendor/dismissible-tips/tips.js"></script>

Icon Library

By default, the dismissible tips assume access to Font Awesome (version 5.9) for icons. If you're already using Font Awesome in your application, then there's nothing else to do. If not, then you have two choices:

  • Install Font Awesome in your layout (free and quick)
  • Use a different icon library, in which case you will need to customize the blade templates accordingly


Tips are defined in lang files, e.g.,


To add a new tip, create a new entry, nested it as deeply as you like:

return [
    'zappa' => [
        'wisdom' => [
            'snow' => "Don't eat the yellow snow!"

The code above would create a new tip identified as zappa.wisdom.snow.


To use the above tip in a blade template:

@tip(['tip' => 'zappa.wisdom.snow'])

To add an optional link after the tip:

@tip(['tip' => 'zappa.wisdom.snow', 'link' => ''])


The package publishes its views, css, and javascript in the conventional vendor directories. You can safely customize the look and feel of the tips as much as you like.