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AdamRMS is an advanced Rental Management System for Theatre, AV & Broadcast, written in PHP with the Twig Templating engine, and deployed using a pre-built docker container.

It is available as a hosted solution or to be self-hosted as a docker container.

Docker Images

A maintained docker image is provided - hosted on GitHub Packages as adam-rms/adam-rms. Due to Docker Hub's pricing changes, the Docker Hub images are no longer maintained, but were identical to the GitHub Packages images which are still available to use.

When self-hosting, please pay attention to the license terms of the software you are using. AdamRMS is licenced under AGPLv3, which means changes you make to the source code must be kept open source.

Getting Started with contributing to this repo

Open in GitHub Codespaces

Thanks for your interest in developing and improving AdamRMS! Contributions are very welcome - please see the website for a guide and for more info about this repo.

This repo has a configured devcontainer for use with GitHub Codespaces or VSCode. If you have a GitHub Codespaces subscription (paid), you can use this to get started with the project in the web, or if you have access to VSCode on your computer (free) you can get started by cloning the repo and opening it in VSCode, then opening the project in a devcontainer.