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Releases: actor-framework/actor-framework


13 Feb 10:36
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  • Fix building CAF with shared libraries (DLLs) enabled on Windows (#1715).


08 Jan 15:31
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  • An observable that runs on an actor can now be converted to a stream or
    typed_stream directly by calling to_stream or to_typed_stream on it.
  • New caf::async API to read text and binary files asynchronously in a
    separate thread. The contents of the files are consumed as flows (#1573).
  • The class caf::unordered_flat_map now has the contains and
    insert_or_assign member functions.
  • CAF now supports setting custom configuration options via environment
    variables. The new priority order is: CLI arguments, environment variables,
    configuration files, and default values. The environment variable name is
    the full name of the option in uppercase, with all non-alphanumeric
    characters replaced by underscores. For example, the environment variable
    FOO_BAR sets the option Users may also override the default
    name by putting the environment name after the short names, separated by a
    comma. For example, opt_group{custom_options_, "foo"}.add("bar,b,MY_BAR")
    overrides the default environment variable name FOO_BAR with MY_BAR.
  • The formatting functions from caf/chrono.hpp now support precision for the
    fractional part of the seconds and an option to print with a fixed number of
  • The new class caf::chunk represents an immutable sequence of bytes with a
    fixed size. Unlike std::span, a chunk owns its data and can be (cheaply)
    copied and moved.
  • Users can now convert state classes with a make_behavior member function
    into a "function-based actor" via the new actor_from_state utility. For
    example, sys.spawn(caf::actor_from_state<my_state>, args...) creates a new
    actor that initializes its state with my_state{args...} and then calls
    make_behavior() on the state object to obtain the initial behavior.
  • The aout utility received a println member function that adds a formatted
    line to the output stream. The function uses the same formatting backend as
    the logging API.


  • The class caf::test::outline is now properly exported from the test module.
    This fixes builds with dynamic linking against libcaf_test.
  • Fix a crash with the new deterministic test fixture when cleaning up actors
    with stashed messages (#1589).
  • When using request(...).await(...), the actor no longer suspends handling of
    system messages while waiting for the response (#1584).
  • Fix compiler errors and warnings for GCC 13 in C++23 mode (#1583).
  • Fix encoding of chunk size in chunked HTTP responses (#1587).
  • Fix leak when using spawn_inactive and not launching the actor explicitly
  • Fix a minor bug in the deserialization of messages that caused CAF to allocate
    more storage than necessary (#1614).
  • Add missing const to publisher<T>::observe_on.
  • All observable implementations now properly call on_subscribe on their
    subscriber before calling on_error.
  • The function config_value::parse now properly handles leading and trailing
  • Comparing two caf::unordered_flat_map previously relied on the order of
    elements in the map and thus could result in false negatives. The new
    implementation is correct and no longer relies on the order of elements.
  • When using --dump-config, CAF now properly renders nested dictionaries.
    Previously, dictionaries in lists missed surrounding braces.
  • CAF now parses = 42 in a config file as foo { bar = 42 }, just as
    it does for CLI arguments.
  • Fix shutdown logic for actors with open streams. This resolves an issue where
    actors would not terminate correctly after receiving an exit message (#1657).
  • Fix compilation error on MSVC when building caf_test with shared libraries
    enabled (#1669).
  • Calling delay_for_fn on a flow coordinator now returns a disposable in
    order to be consistent with delay_for and delay_until.
  • Calling dispose on a server (e.g. an HTTP server) now properly closes all
    open connections.
  • Fix static assert in expected when calling transform on an rvalue with a
    function object that only accepts an rvalue.
  • The function caf::net::make_pipe no longer closes read/write channels of the
    connected socket pair on Windows. This fixes a bug where the pipe would close
    after two minutes of inactivity.


  • Calling to_string on any of CAF's enum types now represents the enum value
    using the short name instead of the fully qualified name. For example,
    to_string(sec::none) now returns "none" instead of "caf::sec::none".
    Accordingly, from_string now accepts the short name (in additional to the
    fully qualified name).
  • Log format strings no longer support %C. CAF still recognizes this option
    but it will always print null.
  • The function caf::telemetry::counter::inc now allows passing 0 as an
    argument. Previously, passing 0 triggered an assertion when building CAF with
    runtime checks enabled.
  • Calling dispose on a flow subscription now calls on_error(sec::disposed)
    on the observer. Previously, CAF would simply call on_complete() on the
    observer, making it impossible to distinguish between a normal completion and
  • The caf::logger received a complete overhaul and became an interface class.
    By turning the class into an interface, users can now install custom logger
    implementations. CAF uses the previous implementation as the default logger if
    no custom logger is configured. To install a logger, users can call
    cfg.logger_factory(my_logger_factory) on the actor_system_config before
    constructing the actor_system. The logger factory is a function object with
    signature caf::intrusive_ptr<caf::logger>(caf::actor_system&). Furthermore,
    log messages are now formatted using std::format when compiling CAF with
    C++20 or later. Otherwise, CAF will fall back to a minimal formatting
    implementation with compatible syntax. The logging API will also automatically
    convert any type with a suitable inspect overload to a string if the type is
    not recognized by format.


  • Calling to_stream or to_typed_stream on an actor is now deprecated. Simply
    call to_stream or to_typed_stream directly on the observable instead.


  • The implementation of operator< for caf::unordered_flat_map was broken and
    relied on the order of elements in the map. We have removed it, since it has
    never worked correctly and a correct implementation would be too expensive.


29 Sep 14:07
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  • Stream batches are now properly serialized and deserialized when subscribing
    to a stream from a remote node (#1566).


20 Sep 12:15
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  • The class caf::telemetry::label now has a new compare overload that
    accepts a caf::telemetry::label_view to make the interface of the both
    classes symmetrical.
  • The template class caf::dictionary now has new member functions for erasing
  • The CLI argument parser now supports a space separator when using long
    argument names, e.g., --foo bar. This is in addition to the existing
    --foo=bar syntax.
  • The functions make_message and make_error now support std::string_view
    as input and automatically convert it to std::string.
  • To make it easier to set up asynchronous flows, CAF now provides a new class:
    caf::async::publisher. Any observable can be transformed into a publisher by
    calling to_publisher. The publisher can then be used to subscribe to the
    observable from other actors or threads. The publisher has only a single
    member function: observe_on. It converts the publisher back into an
    observable. This new abstraction allows users to set up asynchronous flows
    without having to manually deal with SPSC buffers.
  • The flow API received additional operators: first, last, take_last,
    skip_last, element_at, and ignore_elements.


  • When using CAF to parse CLI arguments, the output of --help now includes all
    user-defined options. Previously, only options in the global category or
    options with a short name were included. Only CAF options are now excluded
    from the output. They will still be included in the output of --long-help.
  • The output of --dump-config now only contains CAF options from loaded
    modules. Previously, it also included options from modules that were not
  • We renamed caf::flow::item_publisher to caf::flow::multicaster to better
    reflect its purpose and to avoid confusion with the new
  • When failing to deserialize a request, the sender will receive an error of
    kind sec::malformed_message.
  • When implementing custom protocol layers that sit on top of an octet stream,
    the delta byte span passed to consume now resets whenever returning a
    positive value from consume.
  • When constructing a behavior or message_handler, callbacks that take a
    message argument are now treated as catch-all handlers.
  • When creating a message with a non-existing type ID, CAF now prints a
    human-readable error message and calls abort instead of crashing the


  • Fix build errors with exceptions disabled.
  • Fix a regression in --dump-config that caused CAF applications to emit
    malformed output.
  • Fix handling of WebSocket frames that are exactly on the 65535 byte limit.
  • Fix crash when using a fallback value for optional values (#1427).
  • Using take(0) on an observable now properly creates an observable that calls
    on_complete on its subscriber on the first activity of the source
    observable. Previously, the created observable would never reach its threshold
    and attempt to buffer all values indefinitely.
  • The comparison operator of intrusive_ptr no longer accidentally creates new
    intrusive_ptr instances when comparing to raw pointers.
  • Fix function object lifetimes in actions. This bug caused CAF to hold onto a
    strong reference to actors that canceled a timeout until the timeout expired.
    This could lead to actors being kept alive longer than necessary (#698).
  • Key lookups in caf::net::http::request_header are now case-insensitive, as
    required by the HTTP specification. Further, field_at is now a const
    member function (#1554).


13 Jun 11:09
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  • Install CAF tools to ${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR} to make packaging easier.
  • The OpenSSL module no longer hard-codes calls to SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list in
    order to use the system settings by default. Users can provide a custom cipher
    list by providing a value for the configuration option
    caf.openssl.cipher-list. To restore the previous behavior, set this
    parameter to HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5 when running with a certificate and
    AECDH-AES256-SHA@SECLEVEL=0 otherwise (or without @SECLEVEL=0 for older
    versions of OpenSSL). Please note that these lists are not recommended as
    safe defaults, which is why we are no longer setting these values.


  • Add missing initialization code for the new caf-net module when using the
    CAF_MAIN macro. This fixes the WSANOTINITIALISED error on Windows (#1409).
  • The WebSocket implementation now properly re-assembles fragmented frames.
    Previously, a bug in the framing protocol implementation caused CAF to sever
    the connection when encountering continuation frames (#1417).


  • Add new utilities in caf::chrono for making it easier to handle ISO 8601
    timestamps. The new function std::chrono::to_string converts system time to
    an ISO timestamp. For reading an ISO timestamp, CAF now provides the class
    caf::chrono::datetime. It can parse ISO-formatted strings via parse (or
    datetime::from_string) and convert them to a local representation via
    to_local_time. Please refer to the class documentation for more details.


01 May 13:42
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  • The class json_value can now hold unsigned 64-bit integer values. This
    allows it to store values that would otherwise overflow a signed integer.
    Values that can be represented in both integer types will return true for
    is_integer() as well as for the new is_unsigned() function. Users can
    obtain the stored value as uint64_t via to_unsigned().


  • With the addition of the unsigned type to json_value, there is now a new
    edge case where is_number() returns true but neither is_integer() nor
    is_double() return true: integer values larger than INT64_MAX will only
    return true for is_unsigned().


  • Fix flow setup for servers that use web_socket::with. This bug caused
    servers to immediately abort incoming connection (#1402).
  • Make sure that a protocol stack ships pending data before closing a socket.
    This bug prevented clients from receiving error messages from servers if the
    server shuts down immediately after writing the message.


17 Apr 15:46
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  • The new classes json_value, json_array and json_object allow working
    with JSON inputs directly. Actors can also pass around JSON values safely.
  • Futures can now convert to observable values for making it easier to process
    asynchronous results with data flows.
  • Add new *_weak variants of scheduled_actor::run_{delayed, scheduled}.
    These functions add no reference count to their actor, allowing it to become
    unreachable if other actors no longer reference it.
  • Typed actors that use a typed_actor_pointer can now access the
    run_{delayed,scheduled} member functions.
  • Scheduled and delayed sends now return a disposable (#1362).
  • Typed response handles received support for converting them to observable or
    single objects.
  • Typed actors that use the type-erased pointer-view type received access to the
    new flow API functions (e.g., make_observable).
  • Not initializing the meta objects table now prints a diagnosis message before
    aborting the program. Previously, the application would usually just crash due
    to a nullptr-access inside some CAF function.
  • The class expected now implements the monadic member functions from C++23
    std::expected as well as value_or.


  • After collecting experience and feedback on the new HTTP and WebSocket APIs
    introduced with 0.19.0-rc.1, we decided to completely overhaul the
    user-facing, high-level APIs. Please consult the manual for the new DSL to
    start servers.


  • When exporting metrics to Prometheus, CAF now normalizes label names to meet
    the Prometheus name requirements, e.g., label-1 becomes label_1 (#1386).
  • The SPSC buffer now makes sure that subscribers get informed of a producer has
    already left before the subscriber appeared and vice versa. This fixes a race
    on the buffer that could cause indefinite hanging of an application.
  • Fused stages now properly forward errors during the initial subscription to
    their observer.
  • The fan_out_request request now properly deals with actor handles that
    respond with void (#1369).
  • Fix subscription and event handling in flow buffer operator.
  • The mcast and ucast operators now stop calling on_next immediately when
  • Actors no longer terminate despite having open streams (#1377).
  • Actors reading from external sources such as SPSC buffers via a local flow
    could end up in a long-running read loop. To avoid potentially starving other
    actors or activities, scheduled actors now limit the amount of actions that
    may run in one iteration (#1364).
  • Destroying a consumer or producer resource before opening it lead to a stall
    of the consumer / producer. The buffer now keeps track of whether close or
    abort were called prior to consumers or producers attaching.
  • The function caf::net::make_tcp_accept_socket now handles passing
    correctly by opening the socket in IPv4 mode. Passing an empty bind address
    now defaults to INADDR6_ANY (but allowing IPv4 clients) with INADDR_ANY as
    fallback in case opening the socket in IPv6 mode failed.
  • Add missing includes that prevented CAF from compiling on GCC 13.
  • Fix AddressSanitizer and LeakSanitizer findings in some flow operators.


  • All member functions from caf::expected that have no equivalent in
    std::expected are now deprecated. Further, caf::expected<unit_t> as well
    as constructing from unit_t are deprecated as well. The reasoning behind
    this decision is that caf::expected should eventually become an alias for
    std::expected<T, caf::error>.


08 Feb 07:31
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  • The JSON parser no longer chokes when encountering null as last value before
    the closing parenthesis.
  • The JSON reader now automatically widens integers to doubles as necessary.
  • Parsing deeply nested JSON inputs no longer produces a stack overflow.
    Instead, the parser rejects any JSON with too many nesting levels.
  • The fan_out_request request now properly deals with actor handles that
    respond with void (#1369).


31 Oct 21:30
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0.19.0-rc.1 Pre-release


  • CAF now ships an all-new "flow API". This allows users to express data flows
    at a high level of abstraction with a ReactiveX-style interface. Please refer
    to new examples and the documentation for more details, as this is a large
    addition that we cannot cover in-depth here.
  • CAF has received a new module: This module enables CAF applications
    to interface with network protocols more directly than The new
    module contains many low-level building blocks for implementing bindings to
    network protocols. However, CAF also ships ready-to-use, high-level APIs for
    WebSocket and HTTP. Please have a look at our new examples that showcase the
    new APIs!
  • To complement the flow API as well as the new networking module, CAF also
    received a new set of async building blocks. Most notably, this includes
    asynchronous buffers for the flow API and futures / promises that enable the
    new HTTP request API. We plan on making these building blocks more general in
    the future for supporting a wider range of use cases.
  • JSON inspectors now allow users to use a custom type_id_mapper to generate
    and parse JSON text that uses different names for the types than the C++ API.


  • Passing a response promise to a run-delayed continuation could result in a
    heap-use-after-free if the actor terminates before the action runs. The
    destructor of the promise now checks for this case.
  • Accessing URI fields now always returns the normalized string.
  • The JSON parser no longer chokes when encountering null as last value before
    the closing parenthesis.
  • The JSON reader now automatically widens integers to doubles as necessary.
  • Module options (e.g. for the middleman) now show up in --long-help output.
  • Fix undefined behavior in the Qt group chat example (#1336).
  • The ..._instance convenience functions on the registry metric now properly
    support double metrics and histograms.
  • Parsing deeply nested JSON inputs no longer produces a stack overflow.
    Instead, the parser rejects any JSON with too many nesting levels.
  • The spinlock-based work-stealing implementation had severe performance issues
    on Windows in some cases. We have switched to a regular, mutex-based approach
    to avoid performance degradations. The new implementation also uses the
    mutexes for interruptible waiting on the work queues, which improves the
    responsiveness of the actor system (#1343).


  • Remote spawning of actors is no longer considered experimental.
  • The output of --dump-config now prints valid config file syntax.
  • When starting a new thread via CAF, the thread hooks API now receives an
    additional tag that identifies the component responsible for launching the new
  • Response promises now hold a strong reference to their parent actor to avoid
    broken_promise errors in some (legitimate) edge cases (#1361).
  • The old, experimental stream API in CAF has been replaced by a new API that
    is based on the new flow API.


  • The obsolete meta-programming utilities replies_to and reacts_to no longer
    serve any purpose and are thus deprecated.
  • The types caf::byte, caf::optional and caf::string_view became obsolete
    after switching to C++17. Consequently, these types are now deprecated in
    favor of their standard library counterpart.
  • The group-based pub/sub mechanism never fit nicely into the typed messaging
    API and the fact that group messages use the regular mailbox makes it hard to
    separate regular communication from multi-cast messages. Hence, we decided to
    drop the group API and instead focus on the new flows and streams that can
    replace group-communication in many use cases.
  • The "actor-composition operator" was added as a means to enable the first
    experimental streaming API. With that gone, there's no justification to keep
    this feature. While it has some neat niche-applications, the prevent some
    optimization we would like to apply to the messaging layer. Hence, we will
    remove this feature without a replacement.


  • The template type caf::variant also became obsolete when switching to C++17.
    Unfortunately, the implementation was not as standalone as its deprecated
    companions and some of the free functions like holds_alternative were too
    greedy and did not play nicely with ADL when using std::variant in the same
    code base. Since fixing caf::variant does not seem to be worth the time
    investment, we remove this type without a deprecation cycle.


24 Mar 20:29
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  • When adding CAF with exceptions enabled (default), the unit test framework now
    offers new check macros:
    • CAF_CHECK_THROWS_AS(expr, type)
    • CAF_CHECK_THROWS_WITH(expr, str)
    • CAF_CHECK_THROWS_WITH_AS(expr, str, type)


  • The DSL function run_until miscounted the number of executed events, also
    causing run_once to report a wrong value. Both functions now return the
    correct result.
  • Using allow(...).with(...) in unit tests without a matching message crashed
    the program. By adding a missing NULL-check, allow is now always safe to
  • Passing a response promise to a run-delayed continuation could result in a
    heap-use-after-free if the actor terminates before the action runs. The
    destructor of the promise now checks for this case.
  • Fix OpenSSL 3.0 warnings when building the OpenSSL module by switching to
    newer EC-curve API.
  • When working with settings, put, put_missing, get_if, etc. now
    gracefully handle the global category when explicitly using it.
  • Messages created from a message_builder did not call the destructors for
    their values, potentially causing memory leaks (#1321).


  • Since support of Qt 5 expired, we have ported the Qt examples to version 6.
    Hence, building the Qt examples now requires Qt in version 6.
  • When compiling CAF with exceptions enabled (default), REQUIRE* macros,
    expect and disallow no longer call abort(). Instead, they throw an
    exception that only stops the current test instead of stopping the entire test
  • Reporting of several unit test macros has been improved to show correct line
    numbers and provide better diagnostic of test errors.