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The AcsiomaticDeviceDetectorBundle provides integration of the DeviceDetector library into the Symfony framework.

DeviceDetector is a Universal Device Detection library that parses User Agents and Browser Client Hints to detect devices (desktop, tablet, mobile, tv, cars, console, etc.), clients (browsers, feed readers, media players, PIMs, ...), operating systems, brands and models.


This bundle provides the DeviceDetector class as service, and Twig global variable.


You can install the bundle using Composer:

composer require acsiomatic/device-detector-bundle


You can configure the bundle using the acsiomatic_device_detector configuration section:

# config/packages/acsiomatic_device_detector.yaml


    # If true, DeviceDetector will trigger parser() when necessary
    auto_parse: true

    # Version truncation behavior, it may assume: major, minor, patch, build, or none
    # By default minor versions will be returned (e.g. X.Y)
    version_truncation: 'minor'


        # If null, it will disable caching
        pool: ''


        # If true getBot() will only return true if a bot was detected (speeds up detection a bit)
        discard_information: false

        # If true, bot detection will completely be skipped (bots will be detected as regular devices then)
        skip_detection: false


        # If null, it will not assign Twig variable
        variable_name: 'device'


        # If null, it will not tag DeviceDetector as routing condition service
        condition_service_alias: 'device'


Usage in controllers

You can inject DeviceDetector as a service. This bundle sets up an instance of this class according to the configurations under the acsiomatic_device_detector section in order to provide information about the main request.

use DeviceDetector\DeviceDetector;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;

class MyController
    public function index(DeviceDetector $device): Response
        if ($device->isSmartphone()) {
            // ...


You need to call $device->parse() before asking for device's information if auto_parse configuration is false.

Usage in Twig

The DeviceDetector service is assigned to the Twig templates as device variable.

{% if device.isSmartphone %}
    {# ... #}
{% endif %}

Usage in route condition

The DeviceDetector is tagged as routing condition service.

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;

class MyController
    #[Route('/page', condition: "service('device').isSmartphone()")]
    public function index(): Response
        // this endpoint is available only for smartphone devices

Parsing custom request

You might want to parse other request than the current one. This bundle provides a service that implements DeviceDetectorFactoryInterface. This service provides methods that create fresh DeviceDetector instances according to the configurations under the acsiomatic_device_detector section, but it doesn't attach them to any request.

Custom parsers

You can inject custom parsers into DeviceDetector by providing them as services.

If autoconfigure is enabled, the bundle injects custom parsers. Otherwise, you need to add the corresponding tag to each custom parsers:

  • acsiomatic.device_detector.bot_parser
  • acsiomatic.device_detector.client_parser
  • acsiomatic.device_detector.device_parser

Release Policy

There is a single maintained branch per time. This branch targets a minor version.

A maintained version reaches its end-of-life when a new minor version is released.

Dependencies Compatibility Policy

This library is compatible with maintained versions of PHP, Device Detector, and Symfony.