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Docker Build Action Heimdall CI

For internal HashiCorp use only. The output of this action is specifically designed to satisfy the needs of our internal deployment system, and may not be useful to other organizations.

Builds and tags a container image using Docker, enabling continuous delivery and testing of container images in CRT.

This action is used to build and tag a single-architecture Linux Docker image, and save it as a tarball artifact. Typically the action is called multiple times in a workflow, once for each target architecture, and thus multiple such tarball artifacts are produced.

Downstream processes marry these single-architecture images together to produce multi-architecture manifest lists ready for general consumption.

Supported Registries

This action requires you to specify the fully-qualified tags to apply to each image. Fully-qualified image tags (FQINs) contain the full image reference, including the hostname or "registry" part.

Whilst building isn't affected by what tags we apply locally, pushing these images is affected. Therefore you should only use tags for the following services:

  • DockerHub (this is the default, you can optionally omit this hostname)
  • AWS ECR Public
  • Red Hat Certified Container Registry (note there are special rules to follow when specifying redhat_tag, see below).


First Build Product Binaries

Because this action is designed to enable continuous delivery and testing of container images, containing continuously delivered product binaries, the Dockerfile must always COPY a local product binary, rather than pulling a binary from elsewhere. Therefore, prior to calling this action, you should have already built a product binary matching the target platform of the docker image, zipped it and stored it as an artifact using the [actions/upload-artifact@v2] action.

The name of the zip file artifact and the binary inside it are significant.

The zip file artifact must be saved as <product_name>_<version>_<os>_<arch>.zip If not using this format, you can set the zip_name input to use a different one.

The product binary inside the zip file should match the name of the repository containing it, minus any -enterprise suffix. If wanting to use another name, you can set the bin_name input.

Use a Matrix to Define Target Architectures

Since the action itself only builds a single image for a single architecture, you must call it multiple times in order to build multiple architectures.

NOTE: If using the redhat_tag input, you must not use an architecture matrix, see note on redhat_tag below.

Action Inputs Explained

  • version is the product version we are building a docker image for.
  • revision is the revision that's being built. This may differ from the default <github.sha> which is the ref the action was invoked at.
  • target is the name of the "stage" or "target" in the Dockerfile to build.
  • arch is the architecture we're building for.
  • tags is a newline-separated list of the "production tags" for this image. Note that you must define the same tags for each architecture you're building, so the tag should never reference the architecture. See note below.
  • dev_tags is similar to tags except these tags are not intended for production/final releases; dev_tags are typically published much more frequently than production tags, and are used for early access to the latest code. Currently dev_tags must begin with []hashicorppreview.
  • push_auto_dev_tags is a flag that can be passed in when calling the action to define whether the dev tags are pushed. Note that the default behaviour, when dev tags are defined, is to push dev tags:
    • PUSH_AUTO_DEV_TAGS=true & no dev-tags defined: push default dev tags
    • PUSH_AUTO_DEV_TAGS=true & dev-tags defined: push non-default dev tags
    • PUSH_AUTO_DEV_TAGS=false/empty & no dev-tags defined: do NOT push dev tags
    • PUSH_AUTO_DEV_TAGS=false/empty & dev-tags defined: push non-default dev tags
  • redhat_tag allows specifying a Red Hat tag to apply to the image. NOTE: If you specify redhat_tag you may not also specify tags or dev_tags.
  • smoke_test allows specifying a script to run immediately after the image is built, to perform some basic checks on the image. See note on smoke_test below.

Note on target

The target input is provided so that you can define multiple images inside the same Dockerfile. Here is an example Dockerfile that defines two independent targets, target1 and target2:

FROM alpine:latest AS target1
# Lines omitted.

FROM ubuntu:latest AS target2
# Lines omitted.

(Note Docker documentation usually calles these 'stages' rather than 'targets', but for our purposes, 'targets' describes how we use them more accurately.)

Sometimes you'll only want one release target (which must COPY a local product binary inside it), and one "local dev" target which actually performs the build from source for local development purposes. In this case you would only reference the release target in the action configuration.

Some products need to produce multiple release Docker images. In this case, you can reference each different image by its target name, in a separate call to this action. You must be careful to ensure that the tags are different for images built from different targets.

Note on tags

The tags and dev_tags you define are really the tags which are used for the multi-arch manifest we construct later (not in this action). Therefore the tags and dev_tags for a single image target must all be exactly the same, for all the architectures.

In other words, never reference the arch inside the tags or dev_tags inputs.

Note on redhat_tag

If you specify redhat_tag then you can't also specify tags or dev_tags. Red Hat Certified Container Image tags need special handling by downstream processes, and do not support multiple architectures, so if needed, they must be built and tagged separately.

Before using redhat_tag you will need to set up a project and obtain the project ID, as well as the project-specific login key, which needs to be made available in Vault under a specific path and key. There is internal-only documentation in the wiki detailing how to do this.

Note on smoke_test

The smoke_test input accepts a bash script which will be run ater the image is built. When the script is run, an environment variable called IMAGE_NAME is set to the name of the image built. Your script can use this to run the image, e.g.

docker run "$IMAGE_NAME"

Example Configuration

Here is a complete example workflow using this action. The same file is in this repo at .github/workflows/example.yml and is executed on every push.

name: example
on: [push]

  product_name: actions-docker-build
  version: 1.0.0

    shell: bash
    # Usually we would be in root, but this is just an example.
    working-directory: example/


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - {go: "1.16", goos: "linux", goarch: "386"}
          - {go: "1.16", goos: "linux", goarch: "amd64"}
          - {go: "1.16", goos: "linux", goarch: "arm"}
          - {go: "1.16", goos: "linux", goarch: "arm64"}
          - {go: "1.16", goos: "freebsd", goarch: "386"}
          - {go: "1.16", goos: "freebsd", goarch: "amd64"}
          - {go: "1.16", goos: "windows", goarch: "386"}
          - {go: "1.16", goos: "windows", goarch: "amd64"}
          - {go: "1.16", goos: "solaris", goarch: "amd64"}
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v2 
      - name: Setup go
        uses: actions/setup-go@v2
          go-version: ${{ matrix.go }}
      - name: Compile Binary
          GOOS: ${{ matrix.goos }}
          GOARCH: ${{ matrix.goarch }}
        run: |
          go build -o "$product_name" .
          zip "${{ env.product_name }}_${{ env.version }}_${{ matrix.goos }}_${{ matrix.goarch }}.zip" "$product_name"
      - name: Upload product artifact.
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
          path: example/${{ env.product_name }}_${{ env.version }}_${{ matrix.goos }}_${{ matrix.goarch }}.zip
          name: ${{ env.product_name }}_${{ env.version }}_${{ matrix.goos }}_${{ matrix.goarch }}.zip
          if-no-files-found: error

      - build-product-binary
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          # We only support building images for linux platforms,
          # so we only specify arch here.
          - {arch: "386"}
          - {arch: "amd64"}
          - {arch: "arm"}
          - {arch: "arm64"}
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v2 
      - name: Build
        uses: hashicorp/actions-docker-build@v1
          version: 1.0.0
          target: default
          arch: ${{ matrix.arch }}
          # Production tags. (These are the tags used for the multi-arch images
          # we eventually push, they must never be architecture/platform-specific.)
          tags: |
          # Dev tags are pushed more frequently by downstream processes. They also
          # must not reference the architecture.
          dev_tags: |
          # Usually you wouldn't need to set workdir, but this is just an example.
          workdir: example/


Each call to this action produces one metadata artifact as well as either one or two tarballs containing a tagged single-arch docker image.

Metadata: Tag List

The metadata file is a JSON blob containing three lists of tags generated by the call to the action. The file is named either docker_tag_list_${TARGET}.json or docker_tag_list_${TARGET}_redhat.json. The TARGET in these is the name of the Dockerfile target that was built.

If you're defining redhat_tag then the filename will have the _redhat suffix.

This tag list is used by downstream processes to quickly determine which tags were generated by the build, so they know which remote registries they'll require credentials for when uploading.

Note that when calling this action in a matrix, each call will produce the same tag list file, because its name and contents are not dependent on the architecture being built. This is by design, the tags in this file are the user-facing tags which we will apply to the multi-arch manifest.

Image Tarballs

The image tarballs are generated by calls to docker save. Each one contains the full single-arch docker image, as well as all of the tags associated with that image. You will see that every image has a special tag in addition to those defined by the action's inputs. This is called the "auto tag" and its format uniquely identifies the single-arch image.

Auto Tag

The "auto tag" is a semantic tag that identifies a single-arch image. It is used by downstream processes that group sets of single-arch images into multi-arch manifests.

In order to create a multi-arch manifest from a set of single-arch images, downstream must call docker load for each single-arch image tarball. Because the user-defined tags are the same for each single-arch image, they cannot be used to differentiate the images loaded. Each docker load call points all the user-defined tags to the new single-arch image. However, the auto-tag, being different for each image, is retained after each docker load and can be used to identify which images need to be stitched together using docker manifest create.

Releasing This Action

Determine the New Version

To release a new version, first figure out what version you're releasing. You can see the absolute latest release or look at all current releases.

We use semantic versioning for this action. Therefore...

  • If the release is expected to need additional action by users after upgrading, in order to preserve existing functionality, then it's classified as a breaking change, and the major version should be incremented (with the minor and patch both reset to 0.
  • If the release adds additional new features that are opt-in but that can be safely ignored by users then the minor version should be incremented.
  • If the release fixes a bug or alters logging or some other minor change that is very unlikely to break any existing usages of the action, then increment the patch version.

Create the Release

Go to draft a new release.

  • Use the version string from above, prefixed with v for the tag, e.g. v1.2.3.
  • The title should be the same as the tag.
  • Write a summary of changes to the best of your ability.
  • If this is the highest overall version number, then select "set as latest release".
  • Publish release.

Push the change to users.

Currently, some users bind to vX and vX.Y tags, and expect these tags to be updated so that they receive upgrades automatically. In order to do this:

Locally fetch the new tag created by the release:

git fetch vX.Y.Z

Add the new tags

git tag -f vX.Y vX.Y.Z
git tag -f vX vX.Y.Z

Push the new tags

git push origin vX.Y vX

And you're all done!


Docker Build Action for CRT







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  • Shell 93.6%
  • Dockerfile 5.1%
  • Other 1.3%