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Bridges is a logic puzzle played on a rectangular grid of any size. Each puzzle is defined by its configuration of "islands" - grid cells each with an assigned capacity between 1 and 8 inclusive. A player must draw "bridges" between the islands such that the following criteria are met:

  • Bridges run only perpendicularly and do not cross.
  • At most two bridges connect a pair of islands.
  • The number of bridges connected to each island exactly matches the number on that island.
  • Each island can be reached from any other following a path over the bridges.

Implemented in ClojureScript, using re-frame for the user interface. Includes a step-by-step puzzle solver that can show a hint for the next move or solve a whole puzzle.


Mouse over an island to view potential bridges for it. Click on a potential bridge to create it, or on a single bridge to make it a double bridge. Click on a double bridge to remove it. Press the "Show Hint" button to highlight a required move if there is one available, or the "Solve" button to automatically solve the rest of the puzzle. Choose between three example puzzles or build your own.


The puzzle solver is based on the intersection and elimination search algorithm described by Yen et al. in 2011. The elimination search phase is computationally expensive (involving taking a guess and backtracking if it leads to an error) and is not needed for most puzzles, so I did not implement it here. Instead I modified the intersection phase to take into account the rule that all islands must be connected, removing from consideration moves that violate this rule. This covers the primary case that elimination search was needed for in the original algorithm.

This still leaves some puzzles that the solver cannot complete on its own. In the minimal example below, there are two valid ways to finish the puzzle: by adding two vertical bridges, or adding two horizontal bridges.


Using only the intersection phase of the algorithm, the solver can only find moves that are required in all solutions, and so won't make the choice between the vertical or horizontal solution in this puzzle. I think this is a reasonable trade-off for making the tool more usable in practice as a puzzle-solving assistant.


Compile css:

Compile css file once.

lein less once

Automatically recompile css file on change.

lein less auto

Run application:

lein clean
lein figwheel dev

Figwheel will automatically push cljs changes to the browser.

Wait a bit, then browse to http://localhost:3449.

Run tests:

Install test dependencies

npm install
npm install -g karma-cli

And then run the tests

lein clean
lein doo chrome-headless test once

Note that doo can be configured to run cljs.test in many JS environments (phantom, chrome, ie, safari, opera, slimer, node, rhino, or nashorn), but only headless chrome is included in the dev dependencies.

Production Build

To compile clojurescript to javascript:

lein clean
lein cljsbuild once min


  • Conceptis Puzzles. Hashi techniques. [link]

  • Yen, Shi-Jim, et al. Elimination Search for puzzle games: An Application for Hashi Solver, in IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ), June 27-30, 2011, Taipei, Taiwan, 185-189. IEEE. [link]


Bridges, a logic puzzle game







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