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This is the client application for connecting to cptserver. CPT stands for Course Participation Tracker.

Getting Started

Should mostly work out of the box, if a cptserver is running.

  1. Install Android SDK
    1. Enable Dart Plugin
    2. Enable Flutter Plugin
  2. Install Flutter SDK
  3. Adapt the server details in cptclient.yaml. A template can be found in cptclient-template.yaml.
  4. Choose Chrome (web) as build target and press the Run button. Alternatively you can use the command line:
flutter build web

Initial admin user

As long as there is a temporary super-user ('admin' by default) configured in the server configuration file (cptserver.toml), you can login as this user with any password (the mask require >=1 password length) with full permissions.

After login, you should perform those steps:

  • Change your first name and last name placeholders in the user administration.
  • Change your password in the user administration. This will also generate new salt/pepper hashes.
  • Create a new team in the team administration (e.g. "Admin" team).
  • Give the admin team all permissions.
  • Add yourself to the admin team.
  • Remove the super-user from the server configuration file.
  • Restart the server.


Current supported locales are EN and DE in main.dart.

supportedLocales: [
  Locale('en'), // English
  Locale('de'), // German

The localization files are located at lib/l10n/ and can be applied to the package with flutter gen-l10n.

App Name

Change App name with: flutter pub global activate rename & rename setAppName --targets ios,android,macos,windows,web --value "YourAppName" You can also set the name for linux, but this isn't the launcher name. Update debians .desktop file manually.


Generate launcher icons with: flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons


When you make a new release, this is the targeted procedure.

The versioning scheme is MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:

  • MAJOR version when you make substantial API changes or core reworks
  • MINOR version when you make any API changes
  • PATCH version when you make backward compatible changes

As long as the MAJOR release is 0.x, it is considered a pre-release. The API and feature set
might be incomplete and unstable.

# Tag the commit with a release tag and a 'v' prefix.
# The `PATCH` version is omitted for the `.0` increment.
git tag v0.7
git push --follow-tags

# Adapt the Pubspec file
# Increment the version code by one integer. Keep the value at 1 for prerelease versions.
> version: 0.7.0+1


The code is dedicated to the Public Domain as declared in the License.


Contributing to the project implies a copyright release as stated in the Waiver unless stated otherwise.

You are very welcome to explicitly state your approval with a simple statement such as Dedicated to Public Domain in your patches. You can also sign the Waiver with GPG while listing yourself as Author.

# Generate a GPG key
gpg --full-generate-key
# Sign the waiver
gpg --no-version --armor --sign
# Copy the signature
# Optionally export your public key and add it to your Github account and/or a keyserver.
gpg --list-keys
gpg --armor --export <KEYID>