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This is a Cocoapod for the Yelp API. It'll simplify the process of consuming data from the Yelp API for developers using Objective-C or Swift. The library encompasses Search , Business, and Phone Search API functions.

Please remember to read and follow the Terms of Use and display requirements before creating your applications.


YelpAPI is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "YelpAPI"


Basic Usage

Before you can make any requests to the API, you must create a YLPClient by authorizing with the API using your app's ID and secret:

[YLPClient authorizeWithAppId:<id> secret:<secret> completionHandler:^
    (YLPClient *client, NSError *error) {
    // Save your newly authorized client
    self.client = client;

Once you have a YLPClient object you can use the various search related function:

Search With Location
- (void)searchWithLocation:(NSString *)location
                      term:(nullable NSString *)term

- (void)searchWithLocation:(NSString *)location

Search With Coordinate
- (void)searchWithCoordinate:(YLPCoordinate *)coordinate
                        term:(nullable NSString *)term

- (void)searchWithCoordinate:(YLPCoordinate *)coordinate

Each interface provides a different way to query the Search API depending on the type of information that you have on hand. There are two different methods of querying the Search API, each of which accepts a different format for location input. Consequentially, there are two sets of functions in the clientlib to support calls into each version of the Search API. Each set of functions contains a version to call the API with only the required parameters, while another which accepts arguments for all optional parameters.

YLPSearchCompletionHandler is a block which takes a YLPSearch* and NSError* object as arguments. Upon successful completion of an API call the result will be returned in the YLPSearch* object, alternatively errors will be returned in the NSError* object.

Example Search Usage

[self.client searchWithLocation:@"San Francisco, CA" completionHandler:^
    (YLPSearch *search, NSError *error) {
    // Perform any tasks you need to here

The YLPClient object will also provide access to the Business API, the relevant functions are:

- (void)businessWithId:(NSString *)businessId

YLPBusinessCompletionHandler is a block which takes a YLPBusiness* and an NSError* object as arguments. Upon successful completion of an API call the result will be returned in the YLPBusiness* object, alternatively errors will be returned in the NSError* object.

Example Business Usage

[self.client businessWithId:@"yelp-san-francisco" completionHandler:^
    (YLPBusiness *search, NSError *error) {
    // Perform any tasks you need to here

The YLPClient object will also provide access to the Phone Search API, the relevant functions are:

- (void)businessWithPhoneNumber:(NSString *)phoneNumber

YLPPhoneSearchCompletionHandler is a block which takes a YLPSearch* and an NSError* object as arguments. Upon successful completion of an API call the result will be returned in the YLPSearch* object, alternatively errors will be returned in the NSError* object.

Example Phone Search Usage

[self.client businessWithPhoneNumber:@"+14159083801" completionHandler:^
    (YLPSearch *search, NSError *error) {
    // Perform any tasks you need to here

The YLPClient object also provides access to the Reviews API. The relevant methods are:

- (void)reviewsForBusinessWithId:(NSString *)businessId

- (void)reviewsForBusinessWithId:(NSString *)businessId
                          locale:(nullable NSString *)locale

Upon completion, the YLPReviewsCompletionHandler will be passed either a YLPBusinessReviews* object on success, or an NSError* object if there was an error.

Example Reviews Usage

[self.client reviewsForBusinessWithId:@"yelp-san-francisco" completionHandler:^
    (YLPBusinessReviews *reviews, NSError *error) {
    // Perform any tasks you need to here


A Response object is a data structure returned after each successful API call. The objects are readily available to be used. They will contain all available response fields as documented in our API documentation.

Response objects returned by an API call may contain other Response objects. For example, the YLPSearch object contains an array of YLPBusiness objects as well. All Response objects can be found here


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